Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/26/2006 (Further Food Service/Atonement Relation)


Popular Christianity 10/26/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In Leviticus 21, most of it is pertaining to the descendants of Aaron and priestly concerns in not becoming unclean. One of those concerns is to the touching of dead bodies - only certain relatives, some required to be virgin at the time of death can be touched without becoming unclean as a priest.

Peculiar when considered. Particularly in the day and age in which we live and the common mind set within society. ~

It continues and then addresses any descendants of Aaron being deformed - no longer being able to offer the food to his god or offer special gifts to his god.

He may still eat of the offerings regardless of the physical defect. ~

This does not mention mental instabilities as defect, but such may have been seen as some special attribute in that day and age as with many other cultures.

In Leviticus 22, it states something which further supports the idea of (modern) food service being adequate in a transference manner - in fulfilling basic requirements with no effort or knowledge. it instructs the priests that may find some outsider having eaten the foods meant as offering, to ask that they compensate the cost plus twenty percent (20%).

This being particularly if those eating it had no knowledge of the foods purpose in that instance. ~

Again, I see opportunity of co-existence simultaneously with no interference or offense either way. ~


The temperature is dropping a bit, so I am off to crawl into my bed role. ~

Studies In Theology - 10/19/2006 (Human/Animal?)


Popular Christianity 10/19/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Early, quite early in the morning - not quite even near sunrise. ~ I find that after some hours of sound sleep, that I am somewhat un-tired enough that laying here is a waste of time - so I have begun again to read further with Leviticus 20.

In chapter 20:02 I find another odd turn in relation to human sacrifice. It is that a rivalry of sorts was apparently in some effect given that it is a decree in this chapter that any sacrificing their children to "Molech" must be put to death - any that ignore such transgressions are to be cut off from the community. ~

This seems a bit odd given the previous instruction as per the (want of) sacrifice of Abraham's only son as a test of faith. Asking of him such a sacrifice being seen as a commitment in faith. ~

Then of course in Egypt, given the curse of killing first born sons (and further laying claim to all first born living things). symbolic beyond the presented reasoning in regard perhaps to a cleansing - more seeming to be a move toward gaining some advantage as per dominance in a species variation sense. Much as do some animals in killing the young of procured mates already having young off spring. ~

Then, I cannot help but see some relation with the situation of Jacob and Essau in the older child's blessing being past to the younger. ~

In that sense in regard to this importance and developmental progress in change - as per focus on children - even oldest children, there is evidence of a relationship of sorts and further, a consistency developing - Earlier actions continuing to manifest in more diffuse ways and combinations. ~

Further in chapter 20, we then see a change in punishments for many of the listed offenses which previously would have the land vomit them out, now being punishable by death in most examples. ~

There is some rather interesting area for further study within these lines, given it is deemed offensive for any man or woman to have intercourse of any sort sexually, with an animal. Topically speaking and from the perspective of modern knowledge, that isn't very complicated to understand - but as a person considers the common human tendency to liken themselves to some animal persona - it then becomes a bit more involved. Especially considering the long relationship symbolically of sovereigns and animal representations - i.e. The Lion Hearted for instance. ~

Socially speaking, this then presents another facet of the church and state rivalry given most governing bodies in sovereign structures did (some still do) liken themselves to said animal representations of themselves. Further within a social sense and within these divisions as presented, it suggests perhaps a line of division in said societies as well? Further suggesting said sovereign element being as exclusive as is the divisions suggested from the direction of religion - between the two.

This then presenting even further conflict within the perception in which both religion and said animal association exists when a group of people - particularly those of a religious structure are referred to as a flock. ~

This would then suggest that the only people are those with no affiliation to the sovereign element or the religious element as per metaphoric representations and suggested capacity of existence. ~

In that line of thought then, when applied to modern governing and social structuring and such things as vesting the idea of sovereignty into the people of the United States - it becomes quite intriguing to say the least. almost titillating to consider in metaphoric continuance as is the motion of it - then further being of a larger emulation and/in motion. ~

Even further in this then, is the immediate assumption that such an applied function would remove the presence of people as element. When really, given the other effects of the design from what I can tell - within and of that body of populous - it actually (within this example reasoning), creates more people in that sense. At least the opportunity to address that combination of human element and animal element - then creating two directions (of sorts) in which the human creature can progress in development. Those being in promoting the progress of human aspects and conversely, the potential for promoting the more animal elemental aspects of/within the human existence (much as I have already addressed concerning the apparent push toward promoting the better human animal instead of the better human).

This combination in social dynamics at least presents the potential of/for social directions pertaining to such. Which seem to be as result of those other effects of neither aspect (religion/sovereign - common) being of primary focus within the presented social mechanism. Which then of course seems to have rendered instead - very herd like social groupings with no consideration for either element of sovereign or religion specifically.

Again, from what I can tell, indicating somewhat of a failure - missed opportunity to maximize human potentials of existence. Somehow having turned a social eco-system of sorts, into that herd like grouping aspect... which again, very much resembles the tendencies of animals. ~

Topically perceived then, in order not to violate these religious dictations pertaining to people and animal sexual intercourse - it looks to be the only option in seeing ones self and their mate as some form of animal - which then suggests that our existence, our very selves within that tendency of being human - employ a mimicry of sorts if not being out right psychological lyconthropes. Even without conscious effort. ~

This having been done from what I can tell, through populating a rather brilliant design of people having been vomited out of other countries. Again, I see at least the design of a social eco-cycle of sorts. Very much in emulation of a larger process and even more than in a metaphoric, metaphysical sense. ~

To some concern though - perhaps even frightening to some degree - the association with animal persona - through such transference and symbolism - then makes possible the aspect of human sacrifice no longer being representative of human sacrifice. ~

As well, within the saturation of said historic animal association, it makes committing murder all the more difficult within that same reasoning - making it then necessary in regard to such writ, to find the proper area within that cycle and sea of lyconthropes - to effectively commit such an offense. Essentially negating the extremes of such rules and relegating the larger body of decision making to that body of populous. Effectively suspending an area of existence which is then neither one extreme or the other.

A result of an social - architectural effect in some sense through the design and use of that idea called representative democracy. ~

Again, perhaps a happenstance (as per our common perspective) emulation and living metaphor of existence itself - of our capacity and perceived understanding as it ebbs and flows. Progresses and retracts - and sometimes, simultaneously. Representing in a living sense, that aspect of human existence which is being suspended between all other examples of life here - and something else that we as a species continue to bemuse and befuddle ourselves with, even today. ~

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/13/2006 (Dishonest Measure)


Popular Christianity 10/13/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Continuing in Leviticus 19 - This seems as though it is a re-visitation of sorts in addressing the limitations introduced as per the commandments and issues concerning sacrifice. ~

There is an inconsistency in this early passage of 19:06, which can easily be seen as a progressive aspect demonstrating perhaps a level of achieved consistency - that being the instruction to now consider left overs from sacrifices being unclean on the Third day.

At this point it is apparently all right to consume the food products the day of, and now the day after said preparations - where consuming them the day after had previously been forbidden in similar decree. ~

Again, this perhaps indicating a developed progress of sorts. ~

This series of instructions then diverges into un mentioned areas as of yet, being in 19:09, the instruction for harvesting crops - which further indicates more progress in a social sense. ~ Even more so in the specific instructions of leaving some of the harvest for the poor and foreigners living among them. Indicating a definite development in the social atmosphere. ~

This while still under Mose's charge. ~

Still further is indication of considerable social advance within the instructions to pay hired workers on time, honesty pertaining to legal matters, and again a recognition of both rich and poor apparently within their own ranks. ~

This all before reaching their destination. ~

There is a specific decree I find some further interest in beyond common courtesy aspects - this being the instruction NOT to mate two different kinds of animals - which in our modern day is an obvious non starter being no success widely known as possible in such attempts (outside of a laboratory). In the stated instruction is indication in that point in time of much different potential outcome of/in result of said mating. ~

Then is the instructions not to plant two different kinds of seed in the same field - presumably as per the suggested risks of mutation apparently in mating two different kinds of animals, though having to do with vegetables obviously. ~

It then instructs not to wear clothes of two different kinds of thread, which then definitely gives pause for many directions of thought while suggesting immediately an unacknowledged association between perhaps, known results from mixing animate things; animals, vegetables.... in that inherent human tendency previously explored. A superstition perhaps in extending, transcending the physical and physiological? ~

This, as with the other instructions being said to have come from the lord through Moses - perhaps then, in the direction of consistent belief, suggesting a lack of differentiation between living animals (things) and objects? ~

Continuing then in 19:26, it is instructed not to practice fortune telling or witchcraft. ~

This is quite odd at a first glance given that less than three chapters ago, lots were cast to make a decision - such having been and still being a common practice in various forms of said. ~

As stated, this seems immediately contradictory - but on further consideration the purpose it may serve is again a form of concentrated focus - the grasping of attention - on established consistency which further enforces a hierarchical structure. ~

If it is that none within the general populous can (or do) practice such divination - then it is that only a certain area of that society does so. This causes obvious effects as per social dependence and structure, and further then as per focus of belief - may even serve a deeper purpose in removing a disbursed effect - replacing it with a single source of information, so to speak. ~

In 19:35, I see one of the first references to doing good business in this body of work - being an instruction grouped with others; Not to use dishonest measure.

this further then demonstrates an obvious social advance through indicating established commerce and standards. ~

Quite remarkable for transient people being recently former slaves! ~

A note as per concern with two different types of animals mating as further thought; As stated, this suggests a more susceptible physical reality than what we see as normal. further, it very much corroborates several aspects of the present idea of process (and motion) within Proximity Gestation. further yet, it substantiates however slightly, the speculation I have presented pertaining to a progression from a more sensitive time - tending toward our direction of solidifying. this meaning that our connection with other living aspects of existence was perhaps at one time incredibly sensitive. Consider the ability to instill a change physically 9within ones surroundings) with consistent mood, emotion even thought? this of course referring to a point in time far beyond our recorded history. ~

In considering such a possible direction in progression, is drawn easily as similar to that progression of concept into application/realization. Becoming more firm (our physical realm) as it transcends from one to the other. ~

When this is applied to that speculative developmental direction within reality in a larger sense - it poses the possibility of everything eventually becoming entirely firmed. As noted previously, things like trees no longer growing - even that things may no longer even appear to age (for some time) - being within that continuous firming. Then eventually even petrify in some respect as per assertion and speculation.

Definitely an amusing and interesting thought - then giving even more importance to the concept(s) of progressive corruptions, instead of magnified solidification's. ~

Monday, November 27, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/12/2006 (continued) "United Penitentiary of America?"


Popular Christianity 10/12/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



10/12/2006 (continued)

Further in Leviticus - third book, chapter 18, it begins to give instructions relating to the act of sexual relations with family members. As if the obvious aspects of incest haven't been learned in our modern day as per procreation - this chapter seems to stand as representative of a time when such knowledge was just becoming known. ~

I find a level of interest in the manner in which things are described - as per 18:7 in Leviticus for instance, It states that sex with ones own mother is a violation of ones father. ~

Having sexual relations with ones own grand daughter is said to violate ones self. ~

Sex with a daughter-in-law isn't stated as being a violation of one's son, but only that she is the sons wife. ~

Sex with one's own brother's wife, is said to be a violation of one's brother. ~

It states not to marry one's own wifes sister (though multiple wives were very much common), because they would then be rivals. ~

It states that sex with a neighbors wife would defile one's own self. ~

The manner of perceived violation in these instances is perhaps something for further study. It suggests a pattern of perception which may prove interesting. Not to mention the more modern social aspects of promoting everyone as brother and sister symbolically.

It then goes on to describe that those having lived in such a manner - as to be driven out. Vomited as it notes specifically, out of the land before you. ~

Again I see, if even through the course of social development and the effect in the saturation of such structures as is Christianity (being wide spread and of a considerably old line), a relation with the effect in result as is a refugee.

Then further with the early expunging of un-desirables from several countries within human social development, then being welcomed into the design of our early representative democracy. ~

Beyond this suggesting our nation to be one of moral and ethical destitution - this substantiates further, the metaphor I have presented pertaining to the governing design - again, if only as result in a given plateau sort of culmination between several social structures - their individual developments (socially and ideologically), and the resonating effects of said saturations already in existence - then producing as a result of interaction within the structure design, the result of that larger process applied, in a social sense. ~

Further, in the welcomed use as per populous being those having been vomited out of other countries, it illustrates the design as per progressive corruptions within what we know of this version of representative democracy. I might even argue further that in light of such, it stands as further corroboration to said metaphoric symbolism as per the idea of Christ - and more especially so in the realization of said cyclical eco-cycle of the crucifixion transference I have briefly noted. ~

More directly, the larger motion within representative democracy as per said Christ qualities in comparison - then further emulates such with that use of those un-wanted elsewhere. Those having been unwanted elsewhere, then representing the strength and connection within the hypothetical (symbolic) transference with/from/of the idea of Christ and all others having been crucified - but, as is widely known pertaining to the idea of Christ and crucifixion - in no way exclusively. ~

Citizens within the representative democracy are seen (supposedly) as equals - again, most having been uwanted in other countries. All within the governed and simultaneously governing body of said structure, supposedly being as much a part of the governing process (and therefore, body) as they are governed. Illustrating another aspect of that transference in symbolism between the idea of Christ and all others having been crucified within that area and context.

Essentially, within that consistency and consideration - being seen as each and the other. ~

Again, suggesting that it is very much up to the populous as the desired resulting social atmosphere.

This isn't to say that I think we are all Jesus H. Christ (or any other name/version) by any means. More that there is a notable comparison - as symbolism and metaphoric transference goes. ~

As well, this is not meant to suggest a limitation as per specific ideology - especially in regard to many of the earlier reasons for the establishment of such a social/governing structure - only to perhaps suggest a source of the earlier perceived Liberations and potentials within such an application. ~

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/12/2006 (Eat It Or Wear It Comparison & Transference Exploration)


Popular Christianity 10/12/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In Leviticus 17, blood is again stressed of importance - even to the degree of being criminal to sacrifice anywhere but the Tabernacle.

To be guilty of blood - translated as murder. ~

This is in regard to the sacrifice of animals and obviously not in regard to the task of hunting - which of course is scarcely mentioned beyond earlier references to Essau (almost specifically). Such itself then indicating a more cultivating sort of nomadic tendency - given a person can imagine such. Though, just as obviously, the Israelites consisted mostly of herders - and as mentioned, at this point - still nomadic herders, at that. ~

It is further described that this rule is to prevent sacrifices in the open fields and to insure that those sacrifices be brought to the priest at the place of worship.

It then refers to them loosely as peace offerings. ~

This is particularly interesting to me, given the common understanding of peace offering - where a person considering it with reason might know it to be an effort in appeasing a want for a continued peace, most commonly this term suggests and is interpreted as making peace with something. As if to have been at considerable odds with the recipient. Offering the token to amend so to speak. ~

From a more analytical perspective, a person begins to see some greater consistency in the mandate of only at the place of worship - given then the consistent spattering of blood against the altar and of course the burning which is commonly stated as being a pleasant aroma to the "Lord." ~

This consistency set considerable importance on very physical attributes in comparison to the idea of an omnipotent being. "Aroma" and further the concentrated area being insisted upon for blood letting. Both are very physical aspects - well within physical reality.

This suggests perhaps other aspects of the relationship - but most definitely suggests an effort of concentrating such physical points of interest (and focus) in a confined - though movable area. ~

This then being reinforced with things such as exile as punishment. Noting such sacrifices elsewhere as being to goat demons - goat idols. ~

As per the earlier ceremony of sending the sins of the Israelites into the wilderness on a goat, this then suggests quite a bit - as well as posing a slight contradiction which again suggests a sort of devils due aspect. ~

it also suggests and reinforces the idea of multiple influences perceived in that single focal point as deity. ~

11/26/2006 As a thought as I read back over these notes while transposing them... what of the idea that perhaps all which is set forward in those early books of the bible, is an account of a learning experience as it played out? Perhaps those years in the wilderness were as much in the effort to establish some conducive consistency before the attempt at a greater level of civilization, as much as it was in the more topical aspect of "following the Lord" as it has been described and understood within popular culture?

In considering the mounting consistencies and of course those intertwining aspects, a person could speculate that such was/is the case in regard to those earlier years just out of Egypt. Finding their footing so to speak, with a concept and idea that was admittedly new to just about everyone - especially in regard to the nomadic aspect of a single point of worship.

Definitely something to explore in future years.

As a speculative note in applying common logic into the regard of such influences - if it were that a body of multiple influences existed - much as most other religious structures depict as in plural - then further if it were a base effort to appease certain appetites of these entities through the various forms of sacrifice (which also appear in most all other religious structures of the time period) - then it stands to reason that such mandate would also be in an effort to influence those influences through the concentration and sort of quarantine pertaining to one place said sustenance could be available for that plurality in regard to this body of people and method. ~

"Herding" those influences so to speak.

Coaxing a single focal point as it seems to be. Then symbolically providing only tainted examples - being the scape goat for instance - for those other (goat demons) not complying (conducive) to those efforts of such concentration. ~ A sort of eat it or wear it in regard to those perceived existing influences. ~

This then adds yet another interesting facet to the idea of divulging, confessing ones transgressions.

As presented previously - What of the dynamic which is created in disclosing said sins to obviously non-acceptable deities?

As per Catholicism, this then adds an interesting light to that suggested relation to Aaron's role, and that of other priests - given of course the action of having sent sin into the wilderness as well.

Is it not then plausible that the act of confession is just as similar to the divulging of ones transgressions

as is suggested with the use of the scape goat, as it could be seen in relation to those efforts for atonement?

Is even Aaron and his line then, not so dissimilar in some respects from the scape goat in that they both act to remove the sins of the people through containing them of their own (though Aaron possessed a medallion in which to place them)? ~

In this line of thought, I happen upon another point of interest to myself, though pertaining more to the idea of "Christ" - and as well in some consistency regarding apparent contradictions between old and new testaments. Initially the contradiction being that the earlier efforts definitely look to be efforts at said concentration of a multiple - where as pertaining to the idea of "Christ," there is - through the same (similar) symbolic relationship in and of similarities - i.e. Aaron being anointed in a particular manner, then further anointing others in the same way (an unmistakable transference, so to speak) - with "Christ" being crucified.

Quite literally as is most commonly known - the number of people which the Romans crucified was rather large.

I do not believe that there exists an accurate count given the degree to which they (Romans) employed that means of execution. ~

In that same symbolic relationship then (transference so to speak), it is obvious - given the consistent method of that form of execution (crucifixion) - that a polarization of sorts, then occurs within that concentrated focus and consistently applied method in and of similarly applied transference - dilating it so to speak - more so, displacing it. Perhaps then presenting a cyclical - ecocycle of sorts - even further in relation symbolically as per sin with both Aaron and the scape goat tactic? ~

It most definitely at least suggests some further relation, given then the example in commonality within the same idea (transference) of the existence of 12 disciples. And further yet, it would not surprise me to find a direct relationship between those 12 disciples and the previous Tribes of Israel. ~

The inversion this then presents concerning that concentration is rather interesting. More so the cycle of relationships which presents the potential dynamic. ~

The consideration of said symbolism in crucifixion and that aspect of dissipation in applied transference with all who were crucified symbolically - further gives interest in the comparison I have presented between the idea of "Christ" and our representative democracy - yet again, if only it is a matter of course as result of the overwhelming social influence of such lines of/in belief.

"Multiple" representations being symbolic of both aspects - Governed and Governing - both then being one and the other in regard to the comparison and applied transference extended to such applications, symbolically. ~

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/10/2006


Popular Christianity -10/10/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




As I read back over most recent notes, I realize that I inadvertently didn't mention another interesting aspect in reference to priest examinations.

Though the reference seems obviously about "discoloration" near an infection - it still is an interesting thing that any yellow hair found on or near a sore, is considered indicative of a more serious illness perhaps, where it is mentioned that black hair growing on such a scab indicates having been healed. ~

This is referenced in Leviticus 13:32. ~

The interesting aspect being in possible misinterpretation to indicate blonde hair signifying illness while black hair seemingly signifies having been healed.

These passages also indicate as addressed pertaining to apparent transformation as per albino, other suggested possible transformations - mostly in hair color. In some instances it is described that certain coloration changes of hair are still not suggestive of further infection in regard to example skin disorders. ~

I then find this more interesting as per transformation possibilities in the description of Moses having seemed to age at Mt. Sinai after being in the presence of "The Lord" - this being popularly understood and perceived through a rapid hair coloration change. ~

As speculation, this then suggests that a given presence which influenced said transformations, is likewise similar to that which influenced apparent skin disorders - some of which even resulting in a complete transformation as in the albino description. ~

This then suggests yet further, aspects of proximity and those multiple aspects I have explored in description. ~

It may even be reckoned that perhaps God in perception was only the presence and activity of micro organisms?

11/24/2006 This of course then being influenced through the use of the slaughter aspects in sacrificial ceremonies - being that the promotion of micro-organism activity then concentrates with such activities in a confined area. Further then, it would be that only certain types of such activity would be promoted with consistent application of certain types of offering. In considering the consistency used to cure certain proteins and to make cheese in the modern day - this sort of exploration is in no way unfounded - Though it is that I should state that such exploration is NO attempt to negate the properties of that larger motion. Only that perhaps the manifestation of such POSSIBLE activities as "cause" - then acts as a representation in emulation of that larger motion and influence - an indicator as it were, in relation to that given example "motion." ~

As yet another note, I find it at least interesting that Moses underwent such transformation where it is that others, previously mentioned as having had correspondence with "The Lord" in close quarters - DID NOT. Again, such indicates a multiple aspect - even in a "cause and effect" sense - meaning that only certain aspects of and within that larger influence resulted in such transformation, while other aspects of "it" resulted in different influential outcomes.

For the sake of argument, I would even contend that such diversity in similar effects, (as noted) represents that larger process in/and motion - beyond the topically perceived micro organism explanation. ~

Even scientifically reasoned, different organisms exist in different (however subtle) areas so to speak - different parameters. ~

This isn't to contend that God on the mountain as is widely believed, is simply a germ (body of germs). Such is no more plausible in my mind than is the more popular burning bush analogy having something to do with what amounts to a peep show. It is only to draw comparison to that which is described as acceptable transformation as per similar bodily effects, and that which is said to have transpired on Mt. Sinai - Which, as stated, then again indicates a plurality within a larger consistency - which and what ever a person chooses to see being that which it represents. ~

It is hard to imagine a micro-organism in existence today, which has any such effect (and especially to such extremes) - which then suggests perhaps a physiological change-corruption of the atmosphere and human species since the time of those instructions for priests to perform as examinations. ~

Very interesting combination of comparisons. Perhaps something else to pursue in my more mature years? ~

Reading further in Leviticus - 16:08. It depicts that Aaron is to cast lots in order to decide which of two goats is to be sacrificed, and which is to be sent into the wilderness bearing the sins of the people. ~

This of course represents the use of scape goat quite literally - after the casting of lots which I see as rather interesting, being a remnant of previous forms of worship based entirely within the multiple deity structure(s). Such was quite common in many multiple deity structures as a form of represented communication through interpretation. ~

Further I see this as interesting given that Aaron's (and his line) duties are described as taking the sins of the people upon himself (themselves) - more directly, upon the medallion of gold on his head dress. ~

Again in reference to the scape goat - it is an interesting point that the sins of the people were to be sent happenstance into the wilderness. ~

the medallion, in the state of being a medallion -obviously - represents a sort of responsibility in containment, where the scape goat - again rather obviously - doesn't. Actually quite to the contrary. ~

Further something that I find particularly interesting about this action, is in and of, thus far - the pronounced concerns with burning things seen as impure - as to purify them. ~

What of the natural food chain?

Does this then have deeper symbolism in allowing the possible spread of said sins in potential consumption and introduction to the food chain? ~

This further given the importance even only thus far, with eating and meals, symbolically. ~

11/24/2006 Perhaps this suggests a larger eco-cylce being attempted as employ? Perhaps it is symbolic of the "devils due?" Quite odd in a symbolic aspect - in the release of those sins, so to speak. If nothing more than in the regard of a sort of "dirty laundry" aspect.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/09/2006 (continued)


Popular Christianity -10/09/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



10/09/2006 (continued)

Reading further now; In Leviticus 10:08, it is said that the "Lord" speaks to Aaron - essentially telling him not to be a drunk priest - then continuing to state it is their job to distinguish between "sacred" and "common" - "un-clean" and "clean." Further then that it is their job to teach the Israelites all decrees given them through Moses. ~

This is the very same Aaron that fashioned the "golden Calf." ~

Obviously an example of a "forgiven" though rather considerable transgression. ~

I find some interest in this decree of teaching the Israelites. ~

it suggests then that such teaching may have become subject to whims given the sizable transgression in the Golden Calf incident. Further in consideration was Aaron's willingness to do the bidding of the Israelites. ~

kind of a mischievous giggle in such considerations!

In a deeper consideration it presents other potentials within these considerations, if considered as per by design.

As speculation, who is it to say that the potentials of further diversions wasn't accounted for in the ordination and maintenance of Aaron (and his line) remaining priests with such a role? ~

This speculation is beyond "devils due" so to speak, and may pertain to avoidance of over applied limitations while maintaining a consistency.

Perhaps if even by happenstance as per human tendency - then manifesting as emulation with their "movement (nomadic tendency)" and of the larger motion, as well. ~

As another interesting point this aspect foreshadows a considerable amount of the directions and actions depicted pertaining to both "Christ" and the idea of "Christ." Though much in "Christs" actions were in purposeful dissension, where what is suggested with retaining Aaron in such a position, is more an idea of/in a subtler sense - if considering human tendency and "past performance."

Such direction within such a line of thought, definitely would suggest an effort to maintain a "lucidity" of sorts - with a consistency tending toward a certain level of dissension. Which I might state, is again seeming to be an emulation of our larger existence. ~

In Leviticus 13:12, it is described that the priest perform slight health examinations in addition to and as a part of their priestly duties - something I find personally interesting is in regard to diagnosing skin "disease (even leprosy)."

The intriguing aspect is in the description of potential "disease" effecting the entire body, turning it white.

If open sores appear - if open sores then heal and turn white, as well - this is seen and pronounced as "clean." ~

This indicates a form of "albino" in many ways - but is described as more than possible, perhaps even quite common as a transition.

Such is never even suggested as occurring in modern societies - being a transition in such an extreme.

this suggests some pretty incredible potential within the human species.

It even corroborates that larger process and a more pronounced level of interaction with it in such a transition.

Modern albino's are very much as such from birth, if not even through the gestation period - in modern society. ~

Such a transition is at least intriguing. Especially those not related to the affliction known as leprosy - which commonly in that day and age, did not result in a state of existence which could be pronounced as "clean."

It very much suggests the presence of other elemental capacities and consistencies.

Of further interest is the description of "infection" being "un-clean." This is relative to some degree as per many instances regarding areas of potential micro-organism activity. Especially given the ceremonial instances where certain foods are not to be consumed - further are other foods which are not to be consumed after having been set, exposed all night. ~

Even more interesting is the regard specifically to live yeast in certain instances. ~

In Leviticus 14:14, a ceremony to purify someone - or group of people, is described as very similar to that which was done to anoint Aaron as high priest. symbolically then, this presents some interesting possibilities as per "relation" in that sense - much in regard to those aspects I have mentioned in an association sort of manner. As much as in those mentioned pertaining to an extended - suggestion of being part of "sacrifice" as said extension, presumably due to symbolic relativity - but even further in a manner as is atonement through the idea of "Christ." ~

Being associated with Aaron, the high priest himself - as per said "anointing" in a cleansing ceremony, then suggests a similar affiliation through that association - that of having been "absolved." ~

It also poses a curious aspect as per symbolic "recognition" vicariously as well. ~

Yet another interesting consistency in symbolism, is the common action of priests to sprinkle a given substance seven times at the altar - most times in the presence of those seeking atonement.

As mentioned, though as of yet to pass at this point in this work - a prominent symbol - being the Star of David - contains seven enclosures. In considering the tribes of Israel as they are "paired off" within certain configurations already explored to some degree - and of course considering the tribe of Levite - this then amounts to seven points of enumeration as well.

As a note - I delve a bit further into such apparent consistencies while examining the next book - being the Book Of Numbers.

Though I am sure that there is some relation in significance - I am not as of yet possessing exact or otherwise information as per said significance beyond the obvious which I can readily discern. ~

Further it then mentions discharge and intercourse as "un-clean" - then presenting things to do to again cleanse (purify) ones self after such activities. In this area I find somewhat of a chide in the closing - stating to the fact (emphasized, no less) that the Israelites must perform these tasks to cleanse themselves - or they will die for their impurity.

Given that much of these instructions seem directed as much at better hygiene as any other reason - and further within the context and emphasis in which they were issued - the Israelites must have been having one heck of a party! ~

Monday, November 20, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/09/2006 - "Atonement" - Food Service Exploration


Popular Christianity -10/09/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




After thinking more in the directions of the recent exploration, I then consider the developments regarding consistencies as are "chain restaurants" and other similar sort of development (socially as well as commerce in the food service industry). ~

This direction within the line of thought as pers said "case of reconciliation (atonement)" so to speak - looks as though it leads to a similar result as even the consistencies having developed within the "movement (nomadic)" aspect which I have described. That "overconsistency" (more through the saturation of consistencies) then seems to render that difference as per "motion" and the developed modern "stationary" result.

Even related, if you will, to that tendency between "concpet" and "realization."

The possibility of becoming overtly "stationary (stagnant)" then becomes more prominent. ~

Seperate establishments - a variety so to speak (that itself as a body, does not reach a polarization in the other extreme) within this exploratory example - seems as though it would preserve some element of perceived "motion" (though in an inverted sense) and further maintain the benefits of such social health - in a "variety" sense so to speak. ~

It is easily observed within the progression of such establishments (as they have developed - and continue to exist) that some influences as per, are unavoidable.

Further, even as a social resonation, it is a plausible observation - again in reference to serving such a purpose whether intentional as per said social development - or not though again as a form of social development (lack of intention to such "atonement designs" being more efficient in such service within my opinion).

As I have touched on, such establishments began as "Inns," then to "Pubs" and "Inns," then on to "Restaurants".. then further to large "chain establishments." this of course as development from even the common house hold meal in many instances - and letting out rooms for shelter to travelers.




I should stress that I am of the opinion of that which tends to see over limitation - the over amplification of limitations (consistency for example) to be where efficiency begins to wain in the sense of total result. that itself, in my opinion, is a form of polarization (to the detrimental degree) and dilution - though somewhat inverted from total lack of continuity. Definitely more the over saturation of applied limitations pertaining to this example and other social aspects. ~

Though I DO NOT attach such service industry establishments to such a purpose (as I have addressed), I am rather pleased with the general observation and comparison - again, if pertaining to nothing more than the social development of "civilization." this in knowing the influence over centuries of development on society itself from the direction of such ideologies. ~

"Superstition" and "worship" have been of the human creature (as has ceremony) - much as reason for development in many cases - since recorded history. ~

Most early accounts of humanity are only as result of said purposes, themselves. ~

I am still intrigued with the contradiction within this "writ" and ideology/theology - pertaining to wine. (for other reasons beyond those I have addressed in other places - such as the availability of wine in that time period). I do lean personally, as per my over all intention, that the considerably slight transgression mentioned in "Leviticus" of "blood" - is encompassed as well through said slight transgression symbolically, within the idea of "Christ." This meaning that the symbolic consumption of "blood" pertaining to "Christ" is no longer a transgression regarding the earlier standards - in so many words, that itself falls under the "wage" which was "paid" within the idea of "Christ."

I suppose what I am saying here, is that within the design of the idea of "Christ," is the direction to provide path to "atonement" - as opposed to an effort in establishing some separation - some discord within the entirety of the work through the example use of symbolism pertaining to "blood."

Further, I do not believe that said benefit is only for those purposefully drinking wine to symbolize "blood."

In my opinion, such was "taken care of" so to speak, along with other perceived transgressions within that idea of "Christ" and said actions.

I am aware that it is entirely possible to construe such a direction as purposeful digression away from earlier dictation pertaining to such... but I cannot see the reasoning behind a presumed attempt in that line of thought, to render one of the most common beverages of the time a sort of violation itself in attaching such symbolism to it. I should state that I can also see a sort of oddity in the leading of such beliefs into the direction of symbolized cannibalism. But again, within the context of the reported actions within that idea of "Christ," I do not believe that such was intended to be understood as cannibalism... more so, in my opinion, it was intended to be seen as partaking of an established "policy" so to speak which was meant to render the tendencies of humanity no longer a detriment to themselves - given of course that humans are "born of sin" and further, are quite clumsy in an everyday sense pertaining to such as would be seen compliance with some rather complicated standards.

In essence, as I have observed, the direction of such symbolism then rendered the potentials within human existence to either establish a sort of heaven on Earth, or conversely given our innate tendencies, a hellish existence as we clamber along. From my perspective, such was meant to "liberate" the human potential as opposed to inhibit.

I feel I should again note a slight personal pleasure as per my own perspective within these observations recently- my career having been that of the culinary. I can even see perhaps, with amusement, that such (as is the "atonement aspect") may have been where menu items came from. A "better variety" for atonement so to speak - more so - more diverse choices being available from establishment to establishment, that is to say. making then, for more popular establishments - especially given the tendencies of humans toward corruptions, and consequently transgressions.

Really kind of a giggle.

Further this then makes sense to me given my opinion on the larger motion lending to various "individualism's."

In context of this exploration - different people would desire/require different forms of/for "atonement."

I just find some level of amusement in approaching the design of a menu - something I have done quite a bit - even dish's/menu items - from a perspective of "offering" to be purchased for "atonement." Just kind of a tickle so to speak. ~

This aspect even then illustrates further, the less efficiency in such directions of the over consistent (manufactured, even) sort of establishments which pose little variety and accommodation to individual "needs," desires. ~

Again, so as not to digress - it does make sense that accommodation would remain important - variety and choice so to speak - as per an individuals present "desires," which of course in my perspective stem from that larger interaction and influence which in context of this example, could be seen as an indicator as per their "needs" for said "atonement" - given the example of said interaction. ~

this then would suggest that "appetite" and a given craving so to speak, is in relation to that interaction.

"If something looks good - piques the appetite - perhaps is craved as nourishment" - perhaps then it is as much to rectify a larger imbalance within said interaction, as it is within our more topical interpretations of "pleasure" and "want."

This is, yet again, my own exploratory though in and of direction. I am in no way insisting that any sort of rigid limitations be applied to such an incredible human experience as is a meal. But I have to be honest with myself in such observations - even if it is some rather "funny" stuff.

"Funny" in a rather pleasing and consoling manner for many reasons - another of which being that it illustrates the development of the human species, and how much else as potential there must be to someday find, beyond the existing direction and conditioned influences. ~

I may never see or experience them, and it isn't necessarily that what is, is displeasing. Only that within said observable consistencies is the fact that in a larger sense, they represent only a form of said "limitations," which then means as per the consistency - that we have yet to experience other "directions" in many ways. ~

Bon Appetite!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Studies In Theology - 10/08/2006 (continued) - "Atonement" - Food Service Exploration


Popular Christianity -10/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



10/08/2006 (continued)

Reading on in Leviticus, it becomes apparent in chapter 2 that even through the obvious and intentional transgressions performed by Aaron as per fashioning a false idol, that his family line remained priests attending the altar and performing ritual tasks. ~

I see this as quite strange given the severity and actions other, even more subtle transgressions held for other members of the tribes of "Israel." Some even cursed to non-existence so to speak.

But here, in the face of intentional deviation from the "deliverers" wants, the blood line of Aaron still remained as priests. ~

This then causes thoughts in comparison with the modern role of priests even in the Catholic denomination of "Christianity."

It is as though they act as an insulator between "followers" and that which is perceived to be.

The act of confession and gaining atonement from the "priest," then being similar to a form of utilizing that which is indicated of Aaron to be - as per a symbolic, ongoing sacrifice so to speak. At the very least, being seen as the bearer of such offerings in being anointed with the blood of them, and further being associated with such offerings as are derived from grain. ~

This is definitely a point of interest given the considerable transgression - then further the apparent continued capacity of such a "blood line."

Perhaps even an element of "I won't tell if you don't?" ~

In regard again to "sacrifice," then further in regard to the idea of limited areas of the entire work as focus - what then to do in that line of thought, within the urban setting, to appease those focused areas of repetition within the whole of the work? ~

I surely cannot be alone in seeing the absurdity of such deliberate extremes of limitation in focus as being the "four bar" example?

There aren't any goats or sheep, or any other live stock for that matter - in the urban setting.

Further, those presenting such sacrifices very much then consumed that which they presented, as well as that which wasn't.

If the entirety of the work isn't considered as a whole, then such would bring to rise a need for more rural settings to maintain a compliance with those earlier books. Unless of course those applied mimicry's, including perhaps cannibalism - perhaps even then "Satanism" (through fictive transfer) were then employed over the years as a form of compliance? ~

Further in Leviticus, I find some rather interesting passages to various forms of atonement - which of course then relate to the idea of "Christ" then representing atonement for all transgressions - it is described that a person not having a sacrifice of their own, may purchase one for some infractions - this again being before the sacrifice of "Christ" for all. ~

In Leviticus 5:16 the monetary exchange is described which purchases an allotment of the sacrifice in atonement for transgression against "sacred properties." ~

I personally see rather interesting (though exploratory in the interest of just that) possible connections as per social symbolism. Even in having possibly been developed as per the course of society - but perhaps having no true, immediate connection beyond that coinciding development.

The "price" is stated as being the "loss incurred" plus twenty (20) percent. ~

I am personally intrigued with this (and mildly amused at the thought) given my knowledge of the food service industry.

Twenty (20) percent is roughly a common average as per "profit margin." Though it varies a little from place to place - that is in the neighborhood of percentage "mark up." ~

Granted, rather unfounded beyond my personal exploration - but amusing in the same sense as per existing consistencies in "resonation." ~

As I consider it, and further consider the various forms of offerings - the idea of modern restaurant settings fulfilling such requirements (symbolically) is really no more absurd than insisting the directions of various other imposed mimicry's have any substantial weight. In fact, such a setting very much seems as it would be a much more efficient form of said applied "mimicry" with far fewer detrimental limitations - especially in the more "free form" settings where product is designed and prepared from scratch on the premises. ~



This isn't to say that I feel such establishments should be as such. Only that, through the similar reasoning's as other forms in said mimicry - they (restaurants) pose a rather efficient area for effortless compliance. Further as should be readily evident in my personal opinion, "efforts" toward such would prove far less efficient than through applied living and interest in the trade itself. If only because of a heightened sensitivity to that larger motion as it exists - inadvertently employing it through focus on one specific aspect - metaphorically and with no intention to "comply" - within and of said trade. ~

Further such an "ignorant" approach removes the limitations of it - enabling a shared aspect in the existing layers of society and existence. Through not applying said limitations (in effort to comply with some religion) in specific intent - there are no limitations as per desired results and further as per perceived meaning.

A person could partake as per their personal perception, as well as those even being oblivious to any even remote similarities with such "atonement." One in no way then transgressing against the other. Until of course concerted effort is applied in making such an association prominent. ~

Most definitely another area where-in the use of applied ignorance could be rather efficient it would seem. ~

"Compliance" through simple, productive existence - if even with no intention on such designs. Most definitely as it would seem, being simply as a matter of course in existence at this point.

Something of the sort then on further consideration - pertaining to ease of/in compliance through simple existence - Then actually being as a desired result of the initial intention of such writ and limitations, to begin with. Especially beyond the introduction of the idea of "Christ."

This even further supporting the observation of the "government in design," having perhaps been a metaphor as per the idea of "Christ." A form of "automation" if you will that is far beyond that of the machines and said imposed limitations.... and again, simply as a matter of course in utilizing simple existence. ~

Again, this only being observation from my personal perspective - and further, obviously, only in regard to the present ideology and exploration of subject matter. ~

I do find another incredibly interesting point of seeming contradiction being in Leviticus 3:17, stating and forbidding the consumption of blood. ~

Then, in considering again the "folding points" of similarity I have explored in description - this rests in an interesting manner with "Christ" having presented wine symbolically as "blood," specifically to be consumed - suggesting then, that contradiction. But again being a "point of contact" in regard to "folding points" of said intersecting - as with the examples of un-leavened bread and even wine in other instances. ~

Essentially in reading Leviticus, it denotes the various forms of offerings in atonement of "sin." ~

Those then are essentially compiled with the introduction of and within the idea of "Christ." ~

Within that act of "compiling" so to speak, is then the presumed use in transaction for all to partake of such atonement's easily. ~

A rather interesting direction of thought if I do say so, myself. Again, if only as result of developed influences on the structure of society and further if even in a happenstance manner as per confinement in our reality. ~

It is again stated that the consumption of blood will result in any of the "people of Israel" who do so, being cut off from the community. Perhaps then, with "Christ" having made the association of "wine" and "blood," such was intended as a line of division sot to speak - even given the common accessibility of wine in that day.

This presents the aforementioned contradiction - to sup of wine as sustenance is no transgression for the "People of Israel," to do so in the symbolism of blood - for atonement - immediately then seems to become such - BUT, within the presented meaning in use, it is then atonement for all transgressions (sins) - including, I would imagine, that seemingly small transgression in such applied symbolic use. Especially in the light of Aaron remaining in the line of priests, and further then the continued use of such symbolism.

As another observation given recent changes in the Catholic church no longer using wine, but instead substituting fruit juice in such ceremonies - perhaps there is a larger movement away from focal extremes in use of Christ as a "one stop" for compliance?

As a humorous note, seeing as though there is no livestock in urban areas fit for compliance in such sacrifices, maybe the uncanny and incessant presence of pigeons is of some relation? You find them in every city inhabited by people it seems - and seldom, if at all in the wild! How amusing.

Studies In Theology - 10/08/2006


Popular Christianity -10/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In review thus far of this topical study of the "New Living Translation" of the "Bible" - In a broad sense I see some consistencies which very much corroborate ideas and leanings I have thus far explored.

Within this review as well, I will note the obvious lack of anything which even begins to suggest an association with various forms of popular interpretations - such as with "God" being the vaginal orifice for instance. ~

Something more obvious in regard to such tendencies and belief, is similar to the forms of mimicry a person can find in mutations of "Christian beliefs" in places where such beliefs were forcibly imposed, such as the Bahama Islands.

In those communities it is very obvious that figures and points of focus within such writ and belief structure as is Catholicism for instance, were utilized simply as representation of and with their own belief structure.

Immediately this adaptation served as a defense toward further persecution - and as well demonstrates the use of aposematic mimicry within the human race in regard to ideology - which is rather remarkable (similar things have transpired within the continental United States as well). In the larger sense within longevity and development, the beliefs of the area are great example of the effects within the process of "Proximity Gestation."

Both belief structures are no longer either.

In a real sense they have formed an entirely different belief structure - though still possessing topical remnants of each (and lesser examples involved in the combinations).

Further, this can in no way be categorized as a "linear" development in my belief - the concept of "time" and progression being rather un-pronounced, especially in this given example. In fact, though I have not yet to study it in depth - what I can see of it is a continuing "mutation" which has no set "linear" aspects beyond applied limitations of perception. ~

Further as stated in regard to the similar application of interpretation concerning an overtly "feminine" reference in regard to biblical meaning - such is merely a similar sort of mutation as well. Very much an applied limitation in efforts toward various things - one of which being a sense of control in such a limited association. To confine the idea of such profound concept - such uncontrollable and unimaginably immense ideology as is that contained in the word "God," within something which is decidedly a physical limitation - is in essence and effort, placing it in a controllable instance.

I can see where such serves to facilitate a path to some form of easier understanding, as well - however fictitious in relation to the work itself, not to mention the over all concept. Essentially it is the application on and into a form of applied limitation, itself. ~

11/17/2006 - As a note, such mimicry does serve several purposes in given instances - one of which being to essentially remove the despotic controlling aspect - that is, as long as such use in said forms doesn't itself become forms of despotism in similar ways. Both instances can be cited throughout human history.

Further, there are no references to such a relationship within the work itself - thus far the only minute example in a stretch of the imagination, is the ever popular reference to the "burning bush." The only other vaguery in that sense thus-far even nearing the suggesting of the vaginal orifice as "God," is as has been described in regard to Essau and Jacob, and the deception perpetrated by their mother. ~

As observation, and as noted - it is suggested in various references that there is a "movement" considered in regard to that which is referred to as "God." This then further substantiates the aspect of proximity in relation to that larger process - that larger influence. ~

This is even further substantiated in the beginnings of "Genesis" with the reference to the book of Genesis 1:18. ~

As noted, the celestial bodies are said to have been placed to "govern the day and night." In no complicated terms, those celestial bodies move as does Earth, there-in obviously changing the relationship in proximity. ~

As a personally interesting point of observation - this then works to illustrate the tendencies of humanity as I have noted in other entries - most notably being the contradiction and tendency of trying to "still" that motion. "Contain it" as it were.

This tendency then denotes an inherent inversion of sorts, which is initially attached to our existence - perhaps as per that unique area in which we exist between "animal" and the "cognitive" - It further illustrates both the example of "concept" into "realization" as I have presented it (though in an ongoing sense) - and the tendency toward such within applied (imposed) limitations - more the tendency toward maintaining the retarded progression (never quite embracing it) in realizing that "cusp" beyond limitations - through various applied limitations. ~

The various forms of such interpretation serve also to illustrate the tendency and in-inescapable motion of progressive corruptions - in so many words, literal attempts toward fulfilling such interpretations and even such writ (as per the "limitation" aspects of it - supressive most often, and coupled with some apposed mimicry) are examples of "corruption" through compliance. Even and especially those forms of interpretation which attempt to adhere quite literally, in my opinion. Further especially in regard to the larger motion and proximity effect. ~

While I am not saying that this is either "good" or "bad" in that larger sense - it is quite truthfully that through the efforts in being "good," the results are still a form of "corruption." ~

Again I will note that such writ is itself a form of applied limitation - as are all other examples of such firmness - this is not being "good" of "bad" per say, but only factual. Especially in regard to said idea of "God." ~

Odd that it seems a great concern to solidify such limitations - even in the very factual relation they describe in motion. ~

Again I cite the "reflective" nature of this belief structure and the majority of others from the same time period and even before - being "multiple" and given to proximity in a set and firm placement - this one again however, illustrates "movement" with a singular point of reference. Even in designing a movable place of worship - rather unique. ~

In beginning to read the book of Leviticus - it is a pronounced and noticeable consistency regarding the sacrifice of animals. this is done at this point, directly at the movable altar. It further exemplifies similarity with other forms of worship having utilized such sacrifices. The differences as noted, being the movement and focus as per a single reference point - though encompassing (as expressed in Genesis) several different "traits" of said point of focus. ~

As further observation - and as briefly explored pertaining to the lack of such motion in modern versions of this form of worship - said attained rigidity (non-motion in this instance) of said points of worship - then, on a larger scale as noted, begin to resemble the earlier (multiple/stationary) - focus in worship. ~

In regard to "sacrifice," there has also been various forms of mimicry developed in regard to those examples as well - some even manifesting as forms of "Satanism" so to speak - utilizing humans to represent metaphorically, the denoted types of animals acceptable as sacrifice. ~

Further there have been developed applications of such writ in a manner as to demand a residence of sort within a specific area of this work, itself. A given "book" for instance.

In my personal opinion, this is no more efficient than is listening to the same four bars of any musical piece repeated over a given "life time" so to speak. Only perhaps another effort in said mimicry.. and yet more so even in the effort of some form of compliance - then itself being indication of said mutations.

Specifically in such an instance, that which is comprised of modern, computerized interpretation through that layer of imposed limitation upon the existing limitations inherent in the entirety of the work itself.

It is an interesting age in which it seems we still struggle to move into - those forms of imposed limitations being obvious indicators of such, to say the least. ~

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Studies In Theology - 09/25/2006


Popular Christianity -09/25/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Reading Exodus 13:20, I am inclined to wonder about a volcanic eruption being the "pillar of cloud" in the day and "pillar of fire through the night." ~

It is stated that Moses did not travel the known shortest path toward their destination - I would be curious to research known volcanic eruptions and activity of and within the general time period. ~

Reading further, it is that through Moses - Aaron was appointed a priest of sorts to oversee worship of the tabernacle.

As is known, when Moses went to the mountain, Aaron then fashioned a golden calf and presented it for worship in front of the newly constructed tent which housed the "arc" and "tabernacle." ~

Symbolically I cannot help but see a re-occurrence played out in this description of events. This re-occurrence being reminiscent of that which is said to have transpired between "God" and Lucifer. ~

Aaron having been appointed and adorned ornately in a similar perceived importance as is said was Lucifer in the service of "God." ~

This isn't meant as a direct comparison in suggesting Moses as "God" and Aaron, as Lucifer.... only an observation of a continued - re-occurring aspect within what I feel is our emulation in existence. As if both relationships are being depicted as similar in substance that is to say. ~

something that perhaps many do not consider is in Aaron's appointment was also the responsibility of taking upon himself, the guilt of those bringing offerings.

Perhaps this was much inspiration for having strayed from instructions so extremely? ~

Perhaps he saw himself more a deity upon being anointed, than as a servant? ~

It is said that moses even fell to such tendencies eventually as per those writ... meaning that eventually even Moses succumbed to the allure of power to some degree. ~

In considering it as per the appointment of Aaron in anointing him with the same sacrificial blood as was spattered to the altar... then further presenting him with unleavened food stuffs in the area of the tabernacle - perhaps it was symbolically presenting him as a sort of extended sacrificial element? Especially considering the aspect of taking upon himself (and his family line presumably), the guilt of those remitting offerings.

This suggests some early foreshadowing yet again - though with a somewhat different approach - to and of the idea and action of "Christ" representing the payment of sin. ~

It shows even a developing pattern of such... as if in attempts to find something more efficient pertaining to such perceived needs.

Further as observation pertaining to the social aspects of "worship" and further, a difference between other existing versions of religion in the time period - is the "place" of worship within this text - is most definitely designed to be mobile. Serving a nomadic aspect of the people described - the "Israelites" as it were.

A most curious thing considering the presently past rather generalized location of the entirety of said "Israelites." Rather a notable shift in common social respects.

Other forms of religion from that time period, placed different deities in various places in or around a given community. This new "Israelite" version presented one point of focus - one "God" so to speak, which seemingly was meant to "move around."

As I have explored and as has been suggested in several ways within the work itself - this could have had other resulting effects due to "proximity," as it were.

Again citing the importance and different perceptions of various deities in different areas and location as per other established societies - achieving, more so "perceiving" said different effects with the "nomadic aspects" of and from one point of focus - instead of several points of focus in different areas and location. ~

Perhaps as a venture in thought, even yielding subtle combinations in variation of those obviously existing influences so widely given attention to and so specifically separated - and perceived as separate - in other existing cultures? This as result of said "nomadic" tendencies and further in the inconsistency of placement regarding that mobile point of focus. ~

In a metaphor - being the dial of a radio receiver for instance - even "receiving" combinations of "frequency(for lack of a better depiction)" for instance - as opposed to dragging the radio to a specific point in location to "tune in" a "specific channel" so to speak. ~

As they moved around with it perhaps (that single point of focus) - then finding a different effect in perceived result not attainable in the other existing and firm structures. ~

This as per the difference a person can experience between different altitudes for instance. At sea level, things are naturally perceived with subtle differences than atop a mountain peak - in fact, from experiences - even light reflects and refracts differently between the two extremes of perception. ~

In this nomadic tendency, within the effects and change of proximity - something similar may have been the case. ~

As further example in what we can experience in a larger sense as difference in culture from society to society - may well have been subtly present in those changes of proximity. Even the differences which could be represented in the tendency toward those separate locations and deities.

Further as observation in the progress of humanity, is the change observable in a pronounced lack of said nomadic qualities. ~

The very things developed as forms of worship from said nomadic tendencies, are now practiced with little or no change in location - except of course in regard to wide spread practices.

There again, is a sort of inversion being that it is now no longer a nomadic motion so to speak, but again being various locations of specific consistencies.

As a note in regard to this effect in "proximity," is very much the differences even within the same "faith" practices from place to place. ~

This no longer manifesting in the same social body of people as a new nomadic change - but manifesting in regard to given proximity, in different bodies - social elements- of people. ~

Where once these subtle differences "flowed" through a society (though nomadic), they now simply churn as it were, in areas of consistent differences - on a larger scale. ~

Though I do not want to pursue thought of it in depth at this moment, nearing rest for the evening - this then illustrates a "metaphoric," suggested cyclical element which I have observed in other aspects within existence.

A metaphoric geometrical change in social terrain - dynamic - which then tends to resemble a re-occurrence of other "divisions" so to speak. ~

Studies In Theology - 09/24/2006


Popular Christianity -09/24/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




So I am reading Exodus now - Moses, the burning bush... on and such.

I happen upon a curious suggestion of "inversions" - which then suggests much more in a metaphorical procession. In Exodus 4:22, "God" tells Moses to tell Pharaoh that "Israel" is "Gods" first born son... then of course the curse and such.

As if it weren't immediately obvious - the particularly interesting part is pertaining to the reference to "Israel." ~

As established, Jacob was renamed Israel, presumably by a manifestation of "God" whom he "wrestled."

Jacob was the youngest child of twins - who managed to swindle his older brother's birthright, then with the aid of his mother - steal his furry, older brother's blessings as well. ~

This suggests several possibilities in reference here - one of which being the interpretation of the tribes of Israel being considered metaphorically as a "body" so to speak, and then further as a body being regarded as "Gods" first born son - a "first born movement" if you will - which then further substantiates the idea of a form of serogate social workings. This even in light of the namesake being a "youngest" child. ~

In another regard as per said "inversion" - it may suggest that through a presumed inter-connectivity, that there exists a reflective quality - being that the youngest child is somewhat perceived - or presumably so - on the "other side" of said reflective quality, as the first born - oldest, that is to say. ~

further, as an interesting point - this then suggests that an existing "border" so to speak - between said "reflective" area of interpretation and our reality - was displaced. Encroached upon so to speak - then rendering the physical happening of said "youngest" being regarded with the respects of the "oldest." ~

Even further then, this suggests the "female" element within our reality being more prone (as demonstrated in the example situation) to the influence of said displacement - having readily participated in the deception used to manifest the perceived inversion within the social dynamic of the time in which it transpired. ~

To again consider the idea of "Israel" metaphorically as a body, even suggest that more such "bodies" were/are to come within the associated suggestion of "Israel" being a "first born" when considered outside of the association with "Jacob" directly. It is even put to Moses to refer to "Israel" as a "son." ~

When I consider this further, it presents several interesting perspectives.

since "Israel" is now referred to as a "body," - a first born son, no less - it suggests then another aspect of the "multiple" elements present in a single point of focus - meaning that "son" suggests as well, a mother figure.~

This then in the consistency having been established concerning "birthright," suggests that "Israel" - being first born - will not receive the blessings due the first born - as per said newly established progression in the youngest having received such blessings. ~

Beyond those aspects, is then suggested relation in the manner I have suggested as per inter-connected symbolism, with "Christ" - himself being known as the personification of "Gods only begotten son."

Much being suggested in such a relation - even metaphorically.

It is enough to give inspiration in looking forward to more in depth study as I mature. ~

Self adulation paradox? ~

"Israel" = "Christ" = "Christianity" = any Israelite believing themselves to be such - chosen people as it were - then immediately subject to a self adulation paradox in considering the presented procession of events and symbolic relation? ~

Definitely interesting subject matter. `

Further then, what of the potential interpretation that perhaps "God" is justifying the manipulative ploy in having stolen the blessings, through then proclaiming Jacob (Israel) "HIS" eldest son... somehow superseding the more "mortal" version in claiming Jacob to be the son of "God."

Again in Exodus 12 is a reference to "bread made without yeast" - beyond the other appearing consistencies of this, is very much the fact that it is purposeful in excluding the leavening agent -(This meal is considered the first "Passover" in Exodus 12) which suggests such was purposeful in differentiating it from common bread. Perhaps in effort of connection with times before the use of yeast? ~

Symbolically then, "Israel" being declared "Gods First Born Son," was the only first born son of any variation not killed during passover (sans the lambs blood of course).

This presents some area of interest as well for future studies - especially in regard to the "inversion" and further the post of "Joseph" in Egypt and his relationship with Jacob (Israel) - the name sake of "Gods First Born" body of people, presumably. ~

11/16/2006 As a personal note, I think it to be of some considerable interest as well, that the Egyptian embalming process was used when Joseph died and was entombed. Then again at the passing of Jacob, similar respects were made. In a symbolic sense, this then associates "Israel" with even the Pharaohs as per similar respects being made at the time of death.

"Passover" is then noted specifically as a festival of "unleavened bread." ~

Then again, the dictation of seven (7) days - which I see as again coinciding with the 7 enclosures in the as of yet developed, Star Of David.

11/16/2006 To consider this in regard to symbolism, connection and of course in considering that old tradition of growing mold on bread in tomb like atmospheres.... then further taking into account the manner in which Jacob and Joseph were said to have been embalmed and entombed... then further with the significance of the re-occurring enumeration(s) in consistent manners..... it could be reasoned that symbolically, there is a connection with those having been entombed in those early years, and the ceremonial use of bread as has been depicted.... sans the leavening agent (being a living organism, perhaps?). A form of symbolic transference if not a sort of invitation to re-incarnate? To again be a part of the living order as if to want of some manner to impart the better qualities of that which has been, into that which is and has yet to come?

Truly some things to be considered in more mature and learned years.