Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Studies In Theology - 12/06/2006 (Some Number Aspects And The Party Of All Parties?)


Popular Christianity 12/06/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




The Festival of Trumpets is instructed to take place in early Autumn, and then is followed with the Day Of Atonement which is said to have transpired 10 days later, on the 10th day of that month - which obviously isn't consistent given that 9 days later would be the 10th day of that month following the 1st. ~

I don't readily see anything particularly meaningful about this - beyond perhaps a slight difference in the approach to counting and enumerating, as described briefly in speculations put forward in regard to other seemingly (possible) divergence between then and our modern perspective -the ten number off set example perhaps being one of them. ~

Again, this occurs with the instruction of 5 days later on the 15th day - pertaining to yet another festival - The Festival Of Shelters - which is stated as being a 7 day festival.

Yet another reference to 7 and particularly notable within this appearance, given the relationships with the Day Of Atonement and the Year Of Jubilee - (seven sabbath years, seven sets of seven years).

Then as another particularly interesting point is the instruction within those instructions for the Jubilee, to blow the Rams horn.

Interesting given the nearness to the Festival Of Trumpets that this is placed. ~

This really must have been a heck of a time of year for the Israelites! It seems as rambunctious perhaps as is our modern Mardi Gras. ~

(Perhaps corroboration in regard to the exploration of modern food service and atonement? If, again, even simply as a matter of social development within the influences of such prominent and Popular imposed limitations as structure.)

(Further notes exploring modern food service and atonement as result of course through existence)

There is an extraordinary amount of ceremonial sacrifice which takes place within the festival. So much so that a person might tend to think that the Lord was insisting on depleting food supplies! Although, in considering the ceremonies and level of consumption of such sacrifices - it was more than likely an incredible celebration - a feast hard rivaled! ~

When a person first considers all of these sacrifices, in addition to what at first looks like a considerable amount daily, it appears to be no less than an extreme amount of sacrifice. That perspective is without considering the consumption aspects of much of those sacrifice examples.

From a certain perspective, such instruction could be as much in insuring no famine like occurrence would develop within the large body of people known as the Israelites. Further as use in stemming the aging stagnation of livestock. ~

In addition to grain and liquid offerings, there is a definite series of progression for each day of the festival pertaining to sacrifice.

On the first day of the festival;

  • 13 young bulls
  • 2 Rams
  • 14 one year old male lambs

Are to be sacrificed.

This then progresses with one less bull each additional day until on the 7th day, there are;

  • 7 young bulls
  • 2 Rams
  • 14 male lambs

This all accompanied each day with the sacrifice of one male goat as a sin offering. ~

In 29:35, the 7 day festival then seems to have 8 days purposefully - as it is instructed that on the 8th day of the festival, proclaim another holy day. ~

The sacrificial allotment for this 8th day of the 7 day Festival Of Shelters is consisting of grain and liquid offerings in addition to;

  • 1 young bull
  • 1 ram
  • 7 one year old male lambs

This of course followed with the sin offering of one male goat. ~

The 13 has thus far been most affiliated with the total number of tribes of Israel, and is at least interesting to see it in affiliation (initial number of bulls as sacrifice in this festival) with sacrificial offerings. Perhaps being an extension in transference of that tendency to associate the priests with a form of sustenance previously explored?

Further then, perhaps associating all 13 tribes with a form of sustenance for the Lord?

The appearance of 14 in such a consistency is somewhat of a new thing at this point.

Then as pronounced is the number of lambs being reduced from 14, to 7 on that 8th day. ~

In Leviticus 23, these festivals are mentioned with instruction to observe them, but it isn't until the 28th and 29th book of numbers that the sacrificial allotment is instructed for the festivals. ~

Again is a continuity aspect a person may see as inconsistency - but again is the folding aspect which becomes potential in addition to that seemingly re-occurring progression. ~

As a rather entertaining speculation; combining the chapter numbers between the chapter in Leviticus (being 23) and each respectively within Numbers at this point (being 28 and 29) - it yields respectively; 51 and 52 - for a total of 103.

When each then is totaled of itself, it then results in 6 (51) and 7 (52) - which, as touched on before, are rather prominent and re-occurring numbers thus far, symbolically - particularly to the as of yet implemented Star Of David.

Further I might add, the sum of 103, is obviously 4 - Numbers is the 4th book of 66 constituting the Bible. ~

Perhaps such may be of interest in the future should I choose to further explore it, and/in conjunction with those folding points of contact presented as speculation earlier in this body of notes? ~

Just as a giggle, in addition to the 6 and 7 result - when combined, those then sum 13 - which further combined, obviously is 4, yet again. ~


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