Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/09/2006 (Seventh Sun Of The Seventh Sun- Of The Lunar Calendar? Social Barometer's?)


Popular Christianity 11/09/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In having been transposing various notebooks into document form - and considering the more recent weather patterns turning expectantly toward winter (save of course for the more recent run of 60* + weather at the end of November) - it is that my Theology has slowed a bit as far as studies. ~

I did just yesterday, enter a supplemental in electronic form - to the body of already published (and displayed) notes - it concerns an observation outside of the recent study (now being within Leviticus and Numbers). ~

Last evening I found yet another observation in regard to social movement within that larger process, with theological ideology as a point of reference. it involves developing directions resulting from fringe areas and further the human tendency - for various reasons - to stifle those developments. Particularly in certain political atmospheres - such relating to Ecclesiastic concerns most definitely. ~

Returning to study notes;

Again, I see a significance with certain enumerations being presented specifically, though this is common (even this far) within this work - this example is in Leviticus 24:05. It specifically states that a certain amount of bread (certain number of loaves) will remain as representing a permanent/re-occurring offering - then goes further to insist that the required number of loaves be arranged in a specific enumerated configuration; Being two rows containing six (6) loaves each. ~

While it is not stated as per specific reasons for this - it is obvious that the significance may more than coincide with the twelve (12) houses of Israel - being that such is the other predominant place where twelve is cited as of importance. ~

Given the importance of symbolism, this then suggests that the two rows hold some meaning as well - perhaps indicating a balance? Symmetry? And again, is the presence of six (6) - which of course will soon be the number of individual areas around the center point of the Star of David (as further association?). ~

Again, while it isn't specified - these occurrences are indicative of at least a developing consistency at this point. ~

Further, as previously suggested - such consistency and symbolism may well translate into points of contact as per relation (an inter-relation perhaps) within the work as an entire consideration - inter-working aspects so to speak, in a symbolic manner. ~

This configuration (with the mentioned loaves) suggests a paring aspect as well as symmetry. Suggesting a definite order of progression in such specific paring, as symbolism. ~

It is further specified that four quarts of flour are to be used for each loaf - this instruction appears in the 24th chapter - which then makes possible (though not specified) a symbolic point of reference in both the four aspect, and the two - given the configuration.

Further then, though at this point it is presumably yet to have been included - the Book of Numbers is placed within this work (the Bible) as the fourth book. ~

Such could prove as quite interesting for speculation sake, if nothing else. Again, simply through applying basic and broad consideration for symbolism and the obvious importance even thus far - of various examples of symbolism. ~

In Leviticus 25, there is a notable change beginning to be present - that being a slight shift from the nomadic shepherding to that of cultivating/farming so to speak. This is obvious in chapter 25 being concerned with presenting instructions - which present and provide that the land should be cultivated with a sabbath, as it is described. A year of rest where no crops can be purposefully planted.

This of course as common knowledge, was stated as to be observed every seventh year. This,as well as being sound agricultural advice in not depleting the soil through allowing it to lay fallow - is also another appearance of seven. Again as speculation, this will come to further be represented within the Star of David as well.

12/02/2006 Just to note the rather pronounced social oddity here - we are presented a nomadic people, that are somehow managing to cultivate crops- further letting the land lay fallow every seven years.

In regard to the idea of a cyclical pattern in cultivation - through the symbolism and then further through applied symbolism (transference) - it would suggest that when applied in a broader sense - there should be an area within the social dynamic no less, which will remain un-cultivated so to speak. ~

Though this is admittedly my own perspective and at least considerably conjecture at this point, there is some wisdom within such applications given the many aspects of human progress and tendency, development and simple interaction.

It would seem, given such were applied within a social dynamic - that the example area(s) would then develop in direct - and of direct influence of the current condition of the given society (social atmosphere) it was within. Displaying the naturally occurring social elements most present in the example area - this as result of that representation pertaining to that which grows of its own within this applied ideology.

That is again, if it were that such an individual and/or area were allowed to develop as and as result of such a ploy - a state of conditioning. ~

From what I think would be a sociological perspective, I think something of the sort would be rather brilliant given the obvious uses in many ways of what would amount to be an indicator of sorts - a social barometer in regard to the example area(s), as well as much more (in a productive sense as well).

Consider the usefulness within such organized social structuring, of a point of reference devised entirely from the condition presently of the surrounding social environment (through a given span of time) - the successes and failures - of a given society (environment) as well?

To leave that point of reference "un-planted" - meaning perhaps in such application as is a living metaphor within the idea presented of no cultivation (to leave fallow)- that the given example is to remain un-influenced beyond the more common, naturally occurring transitions within the given social atmosphere - then further to remain un-harvested in much the same respects so as to always have a point of reference in regard to said condition of naturally occurring aspects within that social atmosphere. ~

Within the direction of this thought (again, admittedly my exploration) - and again within the re-occurring symbolism's - seven becomes significant with such applications (though in a future sense at this point in the work) through the relationship with the Star of David perhaps?

As a very interesting extension of such an exploration, it could be then reasoned that perhaps, if even through natural course as result of applied ideologies within this body of works - that David as depicted within it, was perhaps the first example of such ideologies in applied usage through symbolism? This then lends more depth to the idea of king in such an example - when it is that those potential social indicator aspects are applied (and considered).

Further then, this would also be an extended aspect of Sovereign in regard to such a relationship which until such a time, was not a functioning facet of such a position - then even further I would imagine, appearing in a very few examples afterwards. ~

When considering such an idea in regard to modern societies, the potential of it (as applied ideologies through such a method) as a successful result is rather exciting. Something similar could very well prove to be an accurate representation of the health and condition of society. ~

Such presents many other potential facets as well, in regard to other explorations of/within the idea of representative democracy and even as per human advance in ways (and in relation to) I have put forward (explored) in other notes.~

Even in considering the larger influence (especially before the advent of technology) of "Popular Christianity" on society simply as a common and present influence (structure) - the possibility of something similar to have already manifested is more than a considerable possibility - again if only even through happenstance as result of the popularity and saturation of such consistencies as is Popular Christianity and the Bible. ~

As a personal note; the trick then within that possibility, would be in finding and observing the consistencies of such resonations from such an influence as was/is popular Christianity - of and still remaining within society - in order to more appreciate - if not utilize those possibilities as they may naturally occur. ~

Of course I presume such orientation as finding those consistencies, grows more difficult every day given the modern directions of various advance. ~

Truly intriguing as I muse at my own perspective in those directions. ~

In 25:08, it then mandates that such an observed sabbath is to be recognized and organized into sets of seven years - seven sets to be more precise, which then adds up to 49 years signifying the end of that cycle - presenting a jubilee beginning on the day of atonement in the first year of the next cycle, presumably then being the 50th year of the previous cycle. ~

12/02/2006 I have scribbled a note here, in the margin of my other scribbles - which directs me to explore perhaps a relationship of what we know to be symbolism of anniversaries in our modern day - i.e. a "golden" anniversary - a "silver" anniversary... on and such. Which I think would be at least interesting in comparison with such a cycle of sets of seven years. Being that there would also be a procession within those sets of applied symbolism's.

It then continues to indicate a domestication of sorts from being nomadic, through referencing the sale of land through actually being the sale of a potential number of harvests remaining within the presented cycle.~

Again, in relation to the applied symbolism I explored, this would equate to a social cycle of Seven sets of Kings (in progression), each set then containing seven kings (in progression), itself. ~

As yet another fun observation, when applied to modern enumeration, the representation of that 7th King of/in the 7th set, would actually be in the 7th place of the 6th group within the ten number structure - this being that the first set would be within the 1-10 group, then the second representing the 11-2o, and so on in that seemingly off set manner I have presented in the Basic Math Example of Proximity Gestation.

This seventh place then, is very easily reasoned as the center area within the Star of David. ~

In Leviticus 26 - it describes blessings for obedience and again advises against false idols - which again could be represented as acknowledged as within the two rows, of six loaves (2-6). ~


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