Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Studies In Theology - 12/09/2006 (But Lot Gets To Do It - Fluffy Naked Angels & Moses Presents Another Re-run)


Popular Christianity 12/09/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In again considering the relationships between Israel, the descendants of Essau and those of Lot - it is notable that Abraham - father of Isaac - father of Jacob (Israel) and Essau, was the uncle of Lot.

Lot is said to have begotten his line through his own daughters. ~

Even in such a procreation method as that, it is that the Lord still granted them the land that they occupied - even as contrary as sexual relations with a daughter was said to be within the Israelites. ~

This speaks more of that multiple aspect and the result of proximity in regard to interpretation - resulting effect of that influence. ~

It is presumably the same deity that forbids such within the Israelites, that the two cultures from Lot and Essau worship. ~

Though it would seem acceptable in these passages - such discrepancy presents the potential for future social upheavals. ~

In Chapter 3, verse 21, begins what is titled as Moses forbidden to enter the land. ~

When giving this thought, as previously touched on, it again suggests a sort of use in transference similar to that of the scapegoat wandering in the wilderness - which itself is similar in some ways, to even the Israelites - themselves - before entering the promised land. ~

A re-occurrence so to speak, in different forms - though consistent in that resonating quality. ~

Chapter 4 continues with an oration tone in presenting Moses as speaking to the Israelites. It also depicts Moses as referring to God as the God of our ancestors. ~

This presents th imagery of another social progression in suggesting that tendencies toward such worship fell away from God at some point, then to return, in the case of the Israelites - to a form resembling past form.

Of course there is the aspect of having lived in Egypt for generations, but it seems more than a reference to that - especially in considering the comparison to the version within the descendants of Essau and of Lot. ~

Considering the reference to a longevity in regard to God of your ancestors - and considering the differences between the cultures being cited as of that line of worship - it then tends to seem as though a certain inconsistency is actually a consistency of itself within that line of worship. ~

This then further substantiating the observation pertaining to the inverted qualities of this structure utilizing a single point of focus amidst so many other structures employing various points of focus/deities. ~

Further in chapter 4 (4:11), I find great example in the dual aspect of our existence - which then presents the possibility of a larger tier. ~

it references Mt. Sinai, and flames from the mountain shooting into the sky - then of God speaking from the heart of the fire. ~

Obviously, a common vision of hell itself, is flames and fire - and here it is that God was speaking from the fire. ~

On this level of reasoning, it is nothing less than obvious that the extremes in the idea of God and the Devil co-habitate to some degree - at least within this example from our perspective. Further, on this level of reasoning, it would be stated that these people were actually duped by the devil in their ignorance - into believing such a moment to have been of God. ~

Within the idea of entirely different entities, separate of one another - this level of reasoning means that in the extremes, considering this apparition of God being of/from/within fire - that the Devil is of the frozen element(s) conversely. ~

This level of reasoning as well could suggest that anything (especially of that natural sense) that we cannot control, especially those things seen as ominous and potentially destructive, are associated to the idea of God. ~

Of course then, in our modern day - this then topically would suggest that things such as Santa, and Jack Frost - are actually evil - of the Devil within that presented/suggested contradicting element.

Of course, in realizing that much of our realm consists of things wrought from evil, a person then has to question the level of truth in such assertions - given even further that it is the Devils ploy to deceive. ~

A rather enjoyable paradox to toy with , at the least. ~

Beyond this level of consideration and reasoning - a person then has to see the potential of a return in a cyclical sense, to the pattern of actual elements (earth, fire, water, air). ~

Speculatively, within this association of God and fire - then further considering the presence of observed differences within the same structure of worship - a person has to at least consider - within this example - that the elemental base may be at least part of that multiple aspect of influences comprising this multiple/single point of focus - in the idea of God. ~

In 4:20, there is an incredibly interesting metaphor describing Egypt as an iron smelter furnace - which then leaves a person to wonder what this means of the Israelites; does it suggest them to be iron, or to have been the fuel burned in the furnace? ~

It further suggests perhaps that God had been forging them in the wilderness - likening God to a blacksmith - and further suggesting that life in Egypt had been a conditioning of its own to precede being made into a special possession. ~

The use described thus far in the wandering and pillaging, would suggest that special possession to have been some sort of weapon. Even knowing what is said about the sword, thus perhaps rendering a likeness of; Live by the Hebrew, die by the Hebrew! It just doesn't have the same ring to it! ~

What of such representative affiliations for Essau and Lot's descendants?

Is it as stated in 4:24 that God is a devouring fire in their representations as well? ~

In 4:26 it seems as though to be suggesting Moses as God - If you break my covenant being prominent with no segue or indication to any other respect. ~

Something I find interesting in 4:34, is in referring to those present at this address Moses is giving, as if they were those Israelites actually brought out of Egypt. Stating that the Lord did the things described right before your eyes. Perhaps indicating some cyclical element as far as re-incarnation within the tribes of Israel? Perhaps indicating a use of transference and consistency within ceremony to present an aspect of no generational movement at all - as if, through the transference and consistencies - those before him represented those present when leaving Egypt. To suggest no continuance of populous in the realm of that ceremony and consistency? ~

Almost, metaphorically - as if punching in while tracking a recording. ~

01/11/2007 As a note - this then presents a sort of paradox within itself in such considerations, given that the initial people of the tribes of Israel were said to no longer be able to enter the promised land due to transgressions and 'rebellion' against the 'Lord.' To consider that with the proposed transference in symbolism - presents a potentially precarious relation. Is it, within that consideration, that such is meant to 'span' such a chasm as is the separation between the generation(s) entering the 'land' and those having been forbidden? Presenting perhaps another aspect of duality?

Further in 4:36 is something that definitely shows the potential of duality at least, if not the multiple aspects I am exploring in regard to a multiple presence in a single point of focus pertaining to deity - they heard his voice from heaven and they heard his voice from his great fire - In that alone is present descriptive facets of the modern popular understanding of heaven and hell - which, within this description it is depicted as God inhabiting both. ~

4:41 again references the cities of refuge, but only names the three that Moses sets apart on the East side of the Jordan river - 1 for each tribe (including the half tribe) residing on the East side of the river. ~

4:44 begins with describing again, laws and decrees as if in review. ~

Chapter 5, Deuteronomy - consists of re-affirming the commandments, though now in the condensed - 10 commandments - form. ~

And again speaks as if to be addressing those Israelites present at the time the commands were given from the Lord. ~

5:23 accounts for Gods voice coming from the heart of darkness - at the mountain blazing with fire. ~

This obviously contradicts the popular visions of white clouds and half naked angels strumming harps. ~

Not saying it to be a good or bad thing - but it definitely displays the potential duality at this point in the work of the Bible. ~

Further, in considering the application of such areas of text in our modern day - it could very much be likened to those popular attributes which many see to represent evil and the Devil. Which again tends to tell me that interpretation of this work seems meant more in the consideration of it on the whole - within the idea of applied ideology - than in specific, literal interpretations of rigid application. ~

Especially considering the larger social consistencies already in motion within much of society - bearing a striking resemblance to those social and political dynamics put into motion in the previous book - being the book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible. ~

Again, this in regard to considering applied ideology. ~

Something else as note - this review sort of tone seems very much directed at the 9 1/2 tribes going to the West side of the river - almost specifically. Being particularly interesting in and within this tone of delivery while again considering the failures presented as prediction like statements being near 4:25 and ending with 4:31.

It is as though they are almost being sent out on their own even after having presented Joshua as a leadership role. Suggesting even further that the more political sway will be with the 2 1/2 tribes remaining East of the river. ~

Almost cursing - condemning those going West across the river, to the failures and mishaps being predicted - perhaps even encouraging them to fulfill the predictions.

This being supported in 4:31 - stating that they will somehow only remain worthy because of their ancestors (which of course, were cut off so to speak, in forbidding the previous generation entry into the promised land). But reassured in this all the same - again, as if to perhaps even promote further divergence. ~

It gives me some confidence in my current perspective and explorations pertaining to progressive corruptions being vital to a healthy society.

It would appear, as stated in those brief verses - that Moses knew something of that sort then, about what appears to be human tendency toward various forms of corruptions. ~

Once warring is over, what then promotes the vigor and health of a community?

There is only so much that can be conquered until there is nothing left to conquer - and subsequently sustain a society having been built on such social motion (as was very common in that day and age).

01/11/2007 To briefly elaborate on this perspective - Historically it can be seen that such is the case in many examples of social and cultural development. It wasn't until quite recently in human history that ideologies were implemented which then provided for a social direction to sustain a healthy society without the dependence on war.

This fact then further substantiates the observation that it is most times even centuries from the time an idea is introduced - something is 'discovered' within human existence, before it is then efficiently utilized. Such can be observed in many places through out human history.


Monday, January 08, 2007

Studies In Theology - 12/08/2006 (40 Years For An 11 Day Journey? & I'd Like A Little Feta And Olive Oil With That, If You Don't Mind?)


Popular Christianity 12/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Beginning with Deuteronomy, the 5th book within the Bible. ~

It begins with Moses (still not dead!) addressing the community of Israel. ~

In essence, it is a recounting of the travels now admittedly stated as wandering of the Israelites through the wilderness. Punctuating this wandering aspect in even stating that normally the journey from Mt. Sinai is only 11 days. ~

It then continues with a sort of review pertaining to things that transpired in the wilderness - including divulging that the leaders having been chosen for each tribe, also fulfilled the duties of judge and officials over their respective tribes - being instructed to hear each case of rich and poor impartially. ~

Besides substantiating those beginnings of a judicial system as explored previously, this again alludes to the presence of commerce within the nomadic community of Israelites - being the existence of a differentiation between rich and poor. ~

I find this further curious in that wandering, marauder like - pirate aspect they apparently embodied within their travels. In the larger sense, they were quite notorious in considering many of those descriptions - but within the nomadic community, were quite structured and advanced enough to contain elements of economy (commerce), agricultural cultivation and social/political structuring. ~

This is further supported in 2:25 of Deuteronomy, stating that the Lord will make people throughout the Earth tremble with fear. ~

At the beginning of the second chapter of Deuteronomy, I find something else of incredible interest pertaining to political and social aspects in the area of which this work has taken place thus far.

In 2:04, it again mentions Essau in stating that the Israelites were to pass through the land of their relatives - the descendants of Essau - and further to do so carefully in paying for food and water. ~

this becomes intriguing in the respect firstly as mentioned - the association with another culture as if it were a relative body (individual) - then further, as is described in 2:05, the Lord will not give the Israelites even one square foot of their land because he (the Lord) has already given it to the descendants of Essau. ~

In deeper consideration this then gives insight into another possible progression in an even larger sense given that what is known of Essau (and Isaac's words to both Essau and Jacob) is that he was of the warring sort early on - more previously than the descendants of Jacob. Then in considering the described happenings under Moses, a similarity appears in a procession sort of manner - regardless of the subtle differences socially between the two related cultures.

This as well is suggested as being repeated with the descendants of Lot - pertaining to respect to land. ~

Most intriguing into this mix, then is the description of a people from Crete (Greece) having invaded and settled in villages in the area of Gaza (which survives to this day as Gaza, as with several other places named within the bible).

So as not to change the direction of thought in such directions - it is with the descendants of Jacob, Essau and Lot then, that a discerned pattern had taken place and seemingly in a procession which drove out those having occupied the areas previously - some even described as giants. ~

In regard to popular understanding of the Bible in Popular Christianity - such a relationship and procession is hardly, if at all ever addressed. ~

Personally, I can recall hearing of a relationship procession in regard to variations within that area pertaining to the idea of God, from early youth. Specifically in regard to Christianity, Catholicism and Muslim/Islam - though I cannot readily recall any affiliation with the names of Lot and Essau, directly.

The time frame here, seems a bit displaced as well in such a comparison between that which I can recall and the description within this work, just from immediate recollection. ~

Still interesting no less, if only in the aspect of motion socially, within such consistencies. ~

At any rate, this procession indicates (obviously) peripheral elements of the Jewish, and then Popular Christianity structures of religion, as well. Making the previously explored divergence within the community of Israel all the more interesting pertaining to further development considering those other variations as social influences. The Israelites having a pronounced influence within their version from previous years in Egypt perhaps - through Jacob, Joseph then Moses and Aaron. While Essau (and Lot) remained (presumably) within the general area - having those influences Eastward - from Asia, and then Westward as well. ~

Considering the movement over all of what is described in recent chapters - it smacks most definitely of a larger intention - designed as it were, to perhaps even conquer the area in stages? Especially in considering the description of the destruction and implied fear to be spread through out the world. 'Complete consecration of things to the Lord by destroying them or offering.' ~

A problem with carrying on that area (warring) regarding the idea of progress, is that eventually - everything is conquered. for such designs to be maximized - development and progress must then take place after the establishing of dominance in any given civilization. ~

As a note - perhaps part of the ease and spread of Popular Christianity as a brief look at history and development in comparison with the other, similar options of the same time period - was the liberation aspect permeating the work itself? Perhaps even the more liberal elements pertaining to the female as well?

Chapter 3 accounts another of the victories and even stating having killed them all. ~

In 3:12, I find more which supports the exploration in power division within the tribes of Israel - pertaining to the divergence and as well the potential importance of the tribe of Manasseh - having split to occupy both sides of the river.

This support is in the description of the land divided on the East side of the river - containing mentionable hill country which possesses innate fortification advantages - the 1/2 of Manasseh on that side was given a full 1/2 of that hill country now of the Israelites. ~

In 3:21, it then gives further insight to that divergence in stating that Joshua was given full charge - but in a manner that suggested he resided on the West side of the Jordan river, as Moses still resided on the East side and was still making decisions - further of course, that Moses was not to enter the promised land presumably being that, on the West side of the Jordan river. ~

Further at this point is the seed of encouraging the development of such a divergence with the pronounced singling out of Caleb (Judah tribe) as having been seen as special - being sent to the West side of the Jordan river as well, then presenting a perceivable (though perhaps not entirely official) hierarchy on the West side, of Jacob, then Caleb - this of course within the decision of the Levites having 3 cities on each side of the river as well. ~

It most definitely suggests not only a divergence, but further promoted use of such a divergence in presenting a dual social dynamic. With, of course, the Levites presiding in equal presence on either side, as now does the tribe of Manasseh as well - which of course then adds to different social effects in relation to social structure on both sides of the Jordan river. ~

I should state, that given the description of the land on the East side of the Jordan river - and further, the specific want of it having been voiced, that there may be a bit of the Greenland/Iceland ploy in play here pertaining to the West side of the Jordan as stated in description and emphasis in 3:25. ~

Either way, in regard to that speculation - at this point the stage is set as it were, for some interesting potentials to develop. ~

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Studies In Theology - 12/08/2006 (Considering Again, The Potential of A Living Metaphor)


Popular Christianity 12/08/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In considering these social developments within the tribes of Israel in the few previous chapters - It very much supports the idea of the United States as a Living Metaphor - but more so than even just as Christ, and even further than the relation between 13 colonies and that number of tribes before the divergence at the Jordan river. ~

It definitely illustrates a larger process - a connectivity even, if only through the process of existence. ~

The development at the Jordan river even, then could be seen as corresponding to perhaps even the American Revolution itself, then further - as per the potential political areas of development within that divergence at the Jordan River could be seen as similar to the political areas which were set forward in creating the United States Government - even, and most notably - the three divisions of political power. ~

The more that I consider the idea of Representative Democracy - United States - being a metaphor, the more I can see from such a perspective pertaining to the aspects perceived in regard to something such as the Bible, as a whole. ~

This suggests to me something beyond a larger consistency and further the resonation of those firmed structures previously introduced into reality (many gaining a firm consistency in and of themselves). ~

The seat of the pants element within the early United States Government, very much stands as example in regard to the effect of those resonations. ~

Even more so, to that larger process in action as it occurred. ~

It is known that much planning and support came from some brilliant minds of the time - many having been firmly conditioned within that work called the Bible before applying themselves into and toward their own directions respectively. ~

Some rather uncanny, though notable aspects can be noted as well in regard to the geographic alignment of the Continental United States - most noticeably being the Mississippi River in this example and reference of such early developments - then of course, the location of the original 13 colonies being East of that division - then developing Westward, though - again demonstrating the off set of that larger process - not being a direct relation so to speak, but then presenting the layered effect I have addressed. ~

Meaning within this example - that while East of the Mississippi, the resonation played out of itself (combined with other facets - other consciously introduced influences), then again as expansion Westward took place - there in, demonstrating those layers in motion and off set within that larger process now having been again conditioned through the filtration of other established structures and manifesting as per - through our human perception and existence. The popular work called the Bible having been a predominant (sub conscious) influence in regard to said conditioning. ~

At this point, I do not believe that said traits were purposeful to a great degree - this being substantiated through the presence of focal efforts on new and ground breaking ideas being set into motion for the first time in an applied sense. ~

Further, though the presence of the Mississippi River may have been coincidental, in relation to that larger motion it seems then that it acted to encourage such a metaphoric manifestation through an association sort of interaction.

With its presence, it may have provided a stimulation of sorts - in support of that motion within that larger process which had already been conditioned through the popular structure of the bible. ~

For instance, if it were that there had been no river there, part of that emulation might not have folded again upon itself with that point of reference. ~

For example, from a sociological perspective in regard to the consistency I perceive - this would speculatively mean that within that series of motion beginning at the American Revolution for instance as representative of a manifestation of that divergence, that such conditioned structure continued to play out - even presenting a divergence itself, within those 13 colonies which could be likened to the initial presence of several political parties - then, upon the influence of geographical location of the Mississippi - then again found a conjunction of sorts which resulted in a layered effect then taking place within the off set of that larger motion.

If I were to research it more in depth, I believe I would find great coinciding/familiar motion of.resembling those depicted within that popular work - beyond (Westward) of the Mississippi. Those layers then playing out within the interaction of themselves, as well. ~

Such being represented (though speculatively) in the onset of the American Civil War for example. ~

Most notably within that example, is representation (though in the extreme) of that off set effect within that larger motion - being a shift in that divergence from an East/West regard, to a North/South. ~

Another attribute and substantiation to the idea of a layered effect, is that West of the Mississippi, there was far less effect from the more recent divergence (North/South) - being the Civil War than there was East of the river. Demonstrating the subtle distance between those layers and effect. ~

There is little possibility of such occurrences having been orchestrated as such in my opinion - again, especially early on in that seat of the pants aspect - though intentional and thought out series of developments.

There are far too many facets of such as emulation for them to have been purposefully orchestrated by any given individual as a conscious effort. Most especially when it is that the focus in the time period was entirely in other directions of effort, as can be accessed through even a simple review of history.

In my opinion, it is more so an indication of a much larger process of/in motion through out existence.

Similar social motion can be seen within the work titled the Bible as it was recorded and presented. In that observation I contend that such similarity - though subtle as per such motion and obviously of some relation (as described), is then relevant beyond a direct affiliation and comparison - being more indicative of a larger consistent inconsistency within the influences upon existence as they manifest - even having done so in the Biblical times as they were recorded.

To note further as perhaps a closer affiliation to such forms of influence as is/was the Bible. The book of Judges is proving to be very similar in content - social motion as described in a sort of linear consideration - as is the process of elected officials - more directly, as it eventually developed.

If such were a direct and conscious effort to directly emulate and embody something such as the Bible, there would have been no developmental aspect in such motions as pertaining to a relation between the book of Judges for instance, and the more topical aspects of elected office. Further, there would be far fewer similarities within those relations, with further areas of reference within the work called the Bible.

01/06/2007 In considering such similarities recently, and the apparent motion through out history of humanity within that larger influence, it gives me consideration within my studies, that consistently - humanity itself has come upon things far before humanity has been ready to address them.

The consistency of human developments as such is almost entirely undeniable when considered in such a manner.

As if even centuries must transpire between the time humanity discovers something, and the time where it is efficiently utilized - if even then only just begun to be understood.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Studies In Theology - 12/07/2006 (continued) - (The Importance Of Genocide? A House Divided? & Priests On The Hit List?)


Popular Christianity 12/07/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer



12/07/2006 (continued)

33:55 Is something most definitely to note pertaining to the interaction at this point, between the Israelites and the Lord.

It even resembles genocide as it is described, in intention - followed with a march or die sort of dictation in 33:56, which can only be seen as threatening at least. Warning that failure to vanquish all enemies in the land given them, would result in the Lord doing to the Israelites - what he had planned to do to their enemies. ~

To note- this then presents an understanding of perhaps the importance in becoming dominant in the area - removing in opportunity for a united sort of back lash against the obvious intention to conquer the area. That is to say, in a realistic sense - if they failed to vanquish every potential enemy, it could come back on them so to speak.

Chapter 34 describes boundaries for the Israelites to observe pertaining to their land. ~

In 34:13, it then indicates only 9 1/2 remaining tribes of Israel in the context of presented description when such is considered in an isolated manner. That is to say, when not considering the work in entirety - even on a literal basis.

It then for some reason, lists 10 tribes, which then indicates some number of populous required perhaps, to qualify as tribe - while then including this tribe aspect in consideration with the 1/2 tribe.

Manasseh is the only tribe at this point having been mentioned in regard to the indication of 1/2 - this being in reference to the land assigned East of the Jordan river. ~

It was only in chapter 26 that all 12 tribes were accounted for in the second census - listed as an entire body of the 12 (13) tribes. This being after the Acacia Grove incident with the plague. ~

In reviewing this most recent list of 9 1/2 remaining tribes in comparison with the second census, it is evident that these tribes choosing to be on the East side of the river, were not listed most previously - Being Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manasseh. ~

While it is that this is pertaining to land division on the West side of the river - it still indicates that split in a more pronounced manner.

Notably, now half of one tribe lives on either side of the river, which then presents another social change in dynamic. ~

Considering it, this then could be seen as a potential power position within the community of Israelites given the importance of communication and social dynamic - which then adds another aspect regarding social dynamic to the previously noted shift in general political structure - which has yet to transpire given that Moses is still rebelling from the Lord - and hasn't yet died (a bit of humor in that linear chronological perception). ~

This then means that within the larger social structure of the community of Israelites, that there are now 3 points of political leverage. Presenting a structure which could then be seen as;

Such a position could and probably did become more influential with time, given the obvious (as described) bounty of the land they chose - in regard to fortification and cultivation. ~

This is similar as well, to the structure of government we now refer to as representative democracy here in the United States (as I am currently exploring as a happenstance metaphor). ~

The potentials within this division to become inefficient and even destructive, are just as prominent given the differences which would most likely arise between the subtle, though different priorities in concerns between the division. One side, as stated, with obvious concerns for cultivation for instance at this point and the benefits of those greener pastures. ~

In 35:13, it is stated that the Levites are to be given 6 cities for refuge, with 3 of them on each side of the river. ~

This aside from the purposes presented as being for refuge, definitely indicates that the division did not go un-noticed. ~

In total, the Levites were to be given 48 towns - as previously noted: 6 of those were to be used for/as cities of refuge, where a person could flee to for safety. Described as being in relation to offenses such as accidentally killing someone. ~

In this, is another social progression - given that banishment was previously common in the sense of being cast out of the community entirely - where this demonstrates an effort in containing such, remaining within those pre-ordained cities, within the community of Israel.

(further even securing a form of containment reassuring less compromise of the consistencies even in situations pertaining to discrepancies within the community)

The way these cities of refuge are described seems to represent the beginnings of a judicial system of sorts, as well. given that those finding refuge, are to receive judgement and then must remain within the city until the death of the High Priest - where the person can then return to his/her land. ~

This presents an intriguing aspect to the symbolism of the High Priest - perhaps in accordance with those transference aspects associated with the anointing and the containment of sins. ~

The death of such a position (person in such position) perhaps indicating the passing of offense(s) as well in similar symbolism? ~

Such seems as though it could promote the early demise of High Priests in the case of prominent influence seeking to be absolved in such a manner. But that of course is in political extremes as example. ~

It definitely represents a larger importance and a different extended meaning to both the Levites and Priests at this point. Indicating further social development as well. ~

All considered within these developments, presents an interesting picture in regard to corresponding social interaction(s) as well as in regard to leadership position(s) - presumably soon to be occupied by Joshua. ~

The 6 cities must definitely be another pre-cursor - this example being in relation to what we now know to be, and have been - asylum, and of course - political asylum. ~

In 35:34 is another reference to the Lord having a physical presence and living among the people. ~

Chapter 36 again addresses women and property.

It as well addresses concerns with grants of land given women - and the transfer of it through inter-tribal marriage. Resulting in the decree and mandate to marry within the same ancestral tribe. - and that no grant of land may pass from one tribe to another! ~

This of course, in a modern sense - presents concerns of/with interbreeding, which, within this new structure socially, will be interesting to note (and explore) as it may develop. ~`