Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/16/2006 (Trial By Fire; Universal Concept?)


Popular Christianity 11/16/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




As I briefly recount my previous entry - I notice again the consistent attention given to the first born in a family. Notably, this hasn't been such a pleasurable thing given the manipulation concerning Jacob and Essau, the killing of the first born children (and animals) in Egypt.

Further then is in regard to naming Israel as a first born metaphorically (more symbolically) - which then poses another fold in duties within that body, being relegated firstly - to first born sons - then reassigned with the Levites substituting in those duties. ~

Without looking too deep, there is a definite form of fixation for some reason - and as I have addressed, an apparent attempt at re-asserting those blessings and duties firstly in upholding their transfer to Jacob (the youngest), then again supporting such transfer from him - to represent the first born sons of others - then further is the nearness to the point of focal priority that the Levites had (have?). Suggesting again an importance of being first born - but perhaps a different efficiency was sought in assigning transferring such firstly - as depicted - to the youngest, then further assigning such meaning to one tribe. ~

In the fourth chapter of the Book of Numbers, it again describes nearly ceremonial duties for the movement of the camp and Tabernacle. Much is stressed about colored cloth and skins of leather. ~

The Levites are listed in a division of three separate clans within the tribe itself. ~

In chapter five, it again describes attention to general hygiene - skin diseases - but further addresses tactics in presenting claims of and to marital faithfulness.

While it is that what is described seems archaic at least, given the trial by fire aspect - I immediately recall a similarity such has with civilization some considerable distance away from where it is that these actions are described as to have happened - and perhaps separated with time as well. The ceremonial similarity aspect I am referring to, was more directly related to fire, itself, than is the present example pertaining to bitter water - which basically suggests the ingestion of contaminated water in trying the guilt or innocence. ~

While these are both all but unheard of in modern society, it very much suggests at least a commonality of sorts for such tendencies within established human reasoning (of the time), which in turn may itself corroborate the existence of a closer connection - with existence, earlier in human history. A type of heightened sensitivity so to speak, within and of existence given that it was with reason of some sort that vastly different cultures embraced similar concepts regarding the physical and other aspects of existence. ~

It might sound hokey in many regards - but when considered, a person could even state that the human divergence through technology (and medicines) is much of similar beginnings, if not similar intention. More perhaps to manipulate that relationship between (within) the physical and other aspects of existence? ~

A person then has to see the presence of shaman and even witch doctors, as similar in course of attempt as well. ~

This lends a bit to the idea that at one point there was such a close relationship between ourselves and existence - that it even would have been possible to will something into a sort of shift so to speak - To change the spots on a leopard for example, with nothing much more than concentration - This further then demonstrates (given consideration of such a malleability at some point in time) the progressive solidification of existence as we continue - seeming to fall away from it.

As I have touched on, perhaps all is progressively becoming more solid? Perhaps even the trees will no longer grow some day - how ever far away it might be? ~

In chapter 6, it describes an interesting sect within the Israelites. A series of ceremonial actions a person may do to set themselves apart as special to the lord.

Among these actions is abstinence from alcohol, and further anything which is derived from a grape vine. ` They are to let their hair grow until such time as they have fulfilled their vows - apparently being rather up to themselves as per the substance of the vow(s) - being said that during this time they must be careful to do what ever they vowed in setting themselves apart as Nazerites.

This perhaps being a place to exercise ones own leanings - dispositions in personal atonement in various aspects?

As well as being able to again consume wine after completing said vows, the vow part itself, seems rather open-ended. ~

Again, in the seventh (7th) chapter is a reference to 6 and 12. 6 being the number of wagons being used to carry offerings, and 12 being the number of oxen being used for the wagons. ~

Symbolically then, this could be seen as representing the 12 tribes in a few ways - paired off in two's, as has been touched on - then further in the configuration previously relating to 6, and further yet then, relating the tribes (within that enumeration) with the symbolism of oxen - and those attributes which were present at the time; strength, utility and most likely a need of them for efficiency and survival. ~

It specifically relates such an association within 7:03. ~

These wagons were then distributed within the Levite tribe - giving two wagons to the Gershon clan and four wagons to the Merarite clan. Oxen respectively as 4 and 8. ~

No wagons or oxen were offered the Kohthites as it was theirs to bear sacred objects on their shoulders. ~

This then means that within 3 clan divisions of the Levites, one clan received 2 wagons and 4 oxen, while another- 4 wagons and 8 oxen. ~

Perhaps a symbolic division of the other tribes respectively, as well as some arrangement as per social order within that symbolic division? ~

It then depicts further assignment as per enumeration of the tribes in relation to the day a given tribe leader was set to present dedication gifts presumably in celebration of anointing the altar.


  1. The first day was the tribe leader of Judah.
  2. The second day, that of Issachar.
  3. The third day, that of Zebulun.
  4. The fourth day, that of Reuben.
  5. The fifth day, that of Simeon.
  6. The sixth day, that of Gad.
  7. The seventh day, that of Ephraim.
  8. The eighth day, that of Manasseh.
  9. The ninth day, that of Benjamin.
  10. The tenth day, that of Dan.
  11. The eleventh day, that of Asher.
  12. The twelfth day, that of Naphtali.


In chapter 7:89, it describes with no uncertainty, that Moses heard the voice of the lord from between the two Cheribim above the Arks cover - The place of atonement.

Substantiating the leanings toward a place of focus in the manner I have explored perhaps? A movable place of focus at that.


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