Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Studies In Theology - 11/27/2006 (Up Jumped The Devil! & The Burden Of People Eating Manna)


Popular Christianity 11/27/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Returning now to the Book of Numbers (the 4th book) after having documented a majority of my more recent thoughts in other directions - Chapter 10 continues in describing again (point of consistency, contact - transference?) the method for travel of the Israelites - followed directly with a description of Moses speaking to his brother-in-law - presumably being the son of the shepherd Moses met while in the wilderness - "....don't leave us... you know the places in the wilderness where we should our guide...."

This contradicts the previous statement of following the fiery cloud where e'er it may go - as The Lord. Perhaps again eluding to an embodiment of some sort within a transference? ~

Directly following this in 10:33, is again suggested that the Lord show them where to rest, through the Ark of the Covenant. Notably stating that the Ark would be leading the procession instead of within the previously described formation. ~

Beyond the described transgression against the instructions for order in travel, this then seems to relate the brother-in-law with not only the Ark of the Covenant, but as mentioned with the Lord as well. ~

It then continues with suggesting that during travel - as the Ark is carried - that the Lord is out and about so to speak. For some reason as I consider that description, I am reminded of an old saying when happening upon a bit of a surprise - that old saying being; Up Jumped The Devil! ~

This is followed with a description of summoning the return of the Lord to the Ark, when it is again set down. But I have never heard any old saying about Down Sat The Devil! ~

The old saying perhaps being relevant to "your enemies scattered......and flee before you...." though I have heard it used in situations relating to happening upon a person for instance, as well. A stroke of good luck for instance, is just as applicable in that use of terminology - perhaps suggesting a sort of affiliation between the two; as per good luck occurrence being as result of the devil fleeing? ~

Perhaps such an old saying only indicates the presence of an oddity which could indicate - hypothetically speaking - the presence of such possibilities in either respect. Especially given those considerations (social development and ecclesiastic change) post the introduction of Christ as I have begun to explore. ~

In Chapter 11 it is described that the people began to want of the previous ease in living (even while in slavery), and further for some meat. They as well complain about the manna they are eating which is said to have been procured as the dew lifted in the morning(s). ~

I have heard this suggested as even perhaps being some form of excrement - though as I read the description of it, I can find few creatures which come to mind that would produce such an excretion - further, especially given the terms used to describe it - and previously speaking of various types of vegetable matter and evidence of knowledge in cultivation - I cannot see where excrement would have not been recognized as such. ~

Another point of interest here is the presence of dew - which necessitates foliage and moisture, which then suggests that the known aspects of atmospheric change around Egypt since biblical times - is relevant to a greater area as well in knowing this to be taking place far outside of Egypt. This dew aspect contradicts the hot and dry descriptions elsewhere in these early books as well. ~

Again, in conjunction with the dew, this suggests an atmospheric process of/within condensation - which in turn suggests elements present though susceptible to such a process, as to manifest in result of condensation. ~

From another perspective - given consideration to foliage being present and further then assuming that the presence of dew was coincidence with the appearance of the manna - this could then make possible something produced of the insect realm? ~

While not ruling out some atmospheric exchange, the description of coriander seed like definitely implies a formative influence other than something similar to the condensation process. If I were to liken the description to food stuffs I know of, it would seem to me that cous cous fits the description rather well. ~

Perhaps dew could be interpreted as a mild rain in those instances where manna appeared? Thus widening the possible contributors to a presence of mineral sort, within rain fall (dew). I have seen deposits from what we know to be hard water - so I cannot see it as all too impossible that a resin could be present in precipitation. ~

Then further, what of manna being as result of that concentrated influence described even as smoke and fire within the condensation process? ~

Then again, in a more humorous note - it could have just been a bunch of smart pills - but I doubt it given the presence of cultivation and live stock. ~

In 11:12, it describes Moses as referring to the Israelites as if they were an actual physical load to bear, and then even refers to them as a suckling child. This in what I presume is a prayer concerning meat to feed them all - which then culminates in an ultimatum and a pronunciation of decided misery. ~

It then describes the Lords response as in referring to it as a physical burden as well, asking that 70 men (elders and leaders - notably it was 70 people said to have entered Egypt initially which then became the Israelites) be summoned so the Lord can transfer some of the spirit which resides upon Moses, and place it upon them as well. Thus bearing the burden of the people along with Moses. ~

Again, two examples of transference - One being obviously in moving some of the spirit from Moses to those selected, and further suggesting that such spirit is a source of burden - of the people (Israelites) no less, in representation. ~

Further, this then again illustrates a diversity (further diversity) beyond that line of separation having been established in the concentration of focus. Then substantiating that diffused effect among the Tribes. ~

This could as well, associate spirit with the sins of the people through that suggested burden - which then, as speculation - likens Moses to the Golden Medallion on which (in which) Aaron was to place the sins of the people. As well it could liken him to the scapegoat and again, illustrating a point within a developing process which will eventually culminate with the introduction of Christ.

Further in this line of thought - less spirit then (less burden) - is associated with less power - but more directly would indicate fewer transgressions having occurred within the body populous of people. ~

The Israelites must really have been having one heck of a party!


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