Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Studies In Theology; 11/30/2006 (More Special, Smoke & Un-Clean Rejects?)


Popular Christianity 11/30/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




In Numbers 16, it describes an uprising from none other than the Levites! Being said to be from three Levites specifically together with 250 other leaders of the community and further yet - prominent members. The initial three being stated as from the tribe of Reuben - then somehow affiliated with the tribe of Levites. (Perhaps in some transference regard as per eldest sons?)

The reasons for the iconspiracy is said to be a discrepancy about Moses being more special than the community of Israel (having themselves been set appart by the Lord - though obviously forgetting the recent transgressions) then as well, complaints about dieing in the wilderness and not yet having been brought into the new homeland.

Strange to read why they had just been told why it was they were not shown into the promised land - and again it is said that they are complaining about it. ~

Again Moses spares them from the wrath of the Lord, but only temporarilly as in 16:31 it describes the wicked men and their families being swallowed up by the Earth - opening its mouth to do so, then again closed over them.

Then fire is said to have burned up the 250 others. ~

With their passing, the bronze incense burners they brought to the Tabernacle as offering were hammered out and used to overlay the altar - introducing a further metal to the Tabernacle configuration; Bronze. ~

This was done to warn others against such uprising and unauthorized burning of incense. But again more complaints, and again Moses attempts to spare them from the wrath. ~

It is then stated that a plague had already begun among the people - but Aaron burned incense and purified them, "standing between the dead and the living" with the incense and stopping the plague. ~

This is rather remarkable as described being that the dead are numbered at 14,700. ~

From a more analytical consideration as per metaphor perhaps in description - this could represent smoke acting to effect the contageon and then thwarting air born transfer of the disease - which seems a possibility in the culmination of because the plague stopped, Aaron returned to the Tabernacle. Indicating in a given interpretation that there waws some extended effort in the ploy to seperate the dead from the living in such a way - beyond simply standing there with an incense burner.

It also tends to suggest an effort of assigning the reason for the plague stopping, to that single incense burner as opposed to the effort it would take to seperate 14,700 dead from the living.

This perhaps in the same line of reasoning as per focus of attention and of course, focus then of belief. ~

Chapter 17 begins with efforts in settling the issue of chosen special guy through the use of staffs belonging to (yet again) 12 of the ancestral leaders with each having their name inscribed on their staff - to be placed in front of the Tabernacle - more so - in front of the Ark itself, where buds will sprout on the staff of the chosen. ~

(More tyhan likely, this being a very popular passage in the bible itself, from the perspective of several of the modern mimicry's in version of interpretation given the level in popularity of certain variations of sprouting buds)

Within this is something which supports the idea of Levites being considered as 0 (zero) in the enumeration order of tribes with it being said that all 12 leaders will present a staff, as well as Aaron to represent the Levites (which then was 13 staffs total - including that of Aaron/Levites). Further this idea of 13/0 is supported in the dictation that the Levites are to recieve no allotment of land as will the other tribes. ~

Aarons staff then sprouted, budded, blossomed and produced almonds - and then was to be permanently placed before the Ark of the Covenant. ~

This brought more complaints in the tone of fearing to go near the Tabernacle because; everyone who even comes close to the Tabernacle, dies! ~

In considering the symbolism of the almonds now being affiliated with Aaron - yet more in the direction of suggested sustenence. ~

Perhaps extending symbolically to his line as well within the described occurence of sprouting, budding... etc.... ~

Chapter 18 then begins with what appears to be another area of the developing repititions (points of contact/transference?) that describes the priestly duties around the Tabernacle and Ark. ~

In 18:10 there is an interesting point of seperation being that all males in Aarons family may eat of the most holy offerings. With sacred and special offerings being available to all members of his family. ~

It is then stated that everything in Israel being set apart for the Lord, also now belongs to Aaron. This also includes the first born of every mother except for cttle, sheep and goats - which will still belong exclusively to the Lord.

It is then stated that with this, Aaron must always redeem his first born sons and ceremonialy un-clean animals (all when one month old) with 5 pieces of silver. ~

Besides seeing this as another foreshadowing in the regard to Baptism concerning modern forms of Christianity, I see another intriguing possibility with the combination of first born sons - and ceremonially un-clean animals not only being associated in similar treatment symbolically, but as well now being seperated from that exclusively as the Lords. ~

Perhaps more in the direction similar to that which gained Jacob the blessings while being the youngest?

12/17/2006 - Further diversity in segregating unclean and clean? Duality, symbolic transference using the un-clean animals having been redeemed consistently while being seperate from all other variations? Since it is that they are unclean would this then lend more to Aaron of lording over the rejects? Then further symbolically, in regard to the lord having stated the Israelites as being not good and a stubborn people - is this then a symbolic relation considering the Israelites to the ceremonialy un-clean (and not good) in the care and redemption of Aaron? Such definitely stands to reason - especially when it is that anything seen as ceremonially clean, is sacrificed and consumed.

This presents an area of divergence which becomes more interesting the more it is considered. Symbolically in some ways, this then affiliates Aaron and his sons with that of the ceremonial un-clean animals. Those animals which are not good in the eyes of the Lord. As well, in regard to the previous cited statement of the Israelites being not good, it in some way affiliates them as well. Yet further this then presents somewhat of a contradiction in the various ways that Israelites can be seen as ceremonially un-clean with a priority on rectifying such to again be seen as ceremonially clean.

Perhaps it is that this presents a symbolic safety net in some respects being that Aaron is to always redeem those unclean first born? This in regard to the unpredictable elements of the Israelites becoming unclean individually as a matter of course (even in childbirth). So they will have a symbolic staging area so to speak, until they again become ceremonially clean?

This further then presents areas of consideration within the larger duality seeming to develop. Is this, beyond being a social divergence, suggestive of a sort of purgatory having been constructed through such consistent actions as presenting such separation? Could this then be seen as Aaron (and the priests) being lords to some degree, over a sort of hell in symbolism? Redeeming, and in that then, shepherding to some degree - that which is seen as ceremonially unclean?

I can see where this is very possible as the precursor to what is commonly known within certain variations of modern Christianity, as representing purgatory.


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