Popular Christianity:
Genesis Thru Deuteronomy 5

Entries from most recent independent studies pertaining to Theology. ~ I have begun with modern/popular Christianity as it is accessible and is where my personal background comes from, as with many in modern American culture. ~ I examine it as observation, and further in comparison to ideas put forward in Proximity Gestation; On The Perspicacity Of Species


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I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Studies In Theology - 12/02/2006 (A Bronze Snake, A Talking Donkey And Evidence Of Supernatural Political Discord)


Popular Christianity 12/02/2006

Study Notes And Journal Entries,

An Observation


David A. Archer




Chapter 21 in the book of Numbers describes victory over the Canaanites! ~

It is said that as the Israelites traveled, they were attacked by Canaanites and some were taken prisoner. ~

It then states their pleading with the Lord and presenting a deal of sorts, in exchange for victory over them - being that they would destroy all of their towns if they were given victory over the Canaanites. ~

They then proceeded to destroy all of the towns presumably of the Canaanites. ~

The footnote describes this as referring to the complete consecration of them, to the Lord, either through destroying them or presenting them as offering. ~

To be consecrated through being destroyed? Definitely more depth to explore within this symbolism and meaning. ~

Further then is the aspect of human sacrifice within this symbolism and current example. It suggests that anything could be sacrificed, as long as it was in the interest of consecration. ~

How similar is this to various occult activities? The act of destroying human life (among other things) in the interest of consecration - in the interest, in so many words, of becoming one with even such an idea as is god. ~

Again, it isn't difficult to see certain aspects of a duality perhaps. Further then, aspects of that multiple within a single point of reference. ~

Other cultures of the time, practiced human sacrifice regularly - many even spent human life in sport - demonstrating a level of brutality which cannot be labelled as callous given that it has been within human development and social progress, that such normality was discontinued - changed as it were. ~

Those things definitely indicated a much different level of human cognitive thought in that time period. Animal-like in regard to very few seeing such as cruel - most likely only ever being opposed in reasoning with the likes of basic fear. It was simply the way things transpired. ~

Kind of odd.. and even an oxymoron, that even the idea of recognizing something as cruel - seems to have stemmed from the concept of Christianity as well.

Again presenting another facet of the dual aspects within the progression of it - built upon the blood of countless numbers, much in similar manners as many other cultural aspects within various civilizations of the time period - but from it (and from the result of the conflict(s) within it) producing much of what we now know to be humanitarianism. The realization of even ideas we have titled with names such as cruelty and even kindness.

Then simultaneously within this dynamic and as result of human tendency, many times seeking ways around such ideas as they may be in relation to how one person sees another - but somehow never being acceptable to ones self being without the benefit of such developed (safeties) recognized perceptions. ~

In fact, our modern civilization has even produced the use of such standards in human perception, to then perpetuate a pronounced lack in recognition of it upon others - in a series of efforts.

The use of the idea of something else being cruel - so cruel as to then justify actions seemingly beyond the established idea (in standard) of cruelty itself. ~

Human development; in that sense - looks to be a rather curious thing to say the least. ~

In 21:04 it depicts more complaints from the people of Israel and subsequently more punishment in the manner of being beset with poisonous snakes. ~

Then again, apparent contrition which gains a prayer from Moses to the Lord - then further gaining instructions to fashion a bronze snake for anyone bitten to look upon and be healed. ~

Here is actual instruction from the Lord to fashion an effigy - this in the interest of countering the effect of having sent the snakes. ~

It presents as well, another point of focus besides the Tabernacle, to be established in the physical realm for the purpose of interaction (connection) with something of another (realm) - in the effort and interest of effecting physical results within the physical realm. ~

Further another example in the use of transference to effectively lift the otherwise normal result of venomous snake bite. Interceding between the venom and the physical result to the person. ~

Presuming such is the case (and process) as per example - where then is it that the initial resulting effect(s) are transferred to? could it be collected in that sense, then to be wielded?

The sins of people were placed within Aarons medallion - how un-heard of is it then, to apply the same line of thought with the bronze snake and that which it presumably acted to impede (being the effect of the venom)? ~

21:10 then tells of travels that again contradict the cultivation aspects described earlier - as is demonstrated in much of the complaining - at least such would seem to be the case, though their travels look as though they could be patterned in some degree - mentioning again, places already having been or near to. (There are 41 moves recorded of the tribes of Israel while in the wilderness)

21:21 depicts defeating a king and occupying his land, then utilizing the new found fortification to capture a near by kingdom as well. ~

In chapter 22, it states that the Israelites again traveled - A person has to consider that having captured and occupied two kingdoms would imply that it was no longer all of the Israelites that were traveling. Especially in considering the efforts in rebuilding that which was destroyed when conquering. ~

Even upon approaching another kingdom in the recent travels, they (the Israelites) are referred to as being from Egypt - even after it being acknowledged that the present king recognized the previous victories of the Israelites. ~

The present king then sends messengers to summon someone to curse the Israelites - A person that is depicted as having a relationship with God as well. God first telling him to refuse and that the Israelites are blessed. ~

A second request for the individuals presence for said purpose received an explanation that he was powerless against the will of god having instructed him to refuse previously - but now proposing that the messengers stay another night, that god may have something else to say. ~

Both instances that Balaam refers to god are associated with a communication at night. Moses and the Israelites commonly refer to such interaction in day time - though non-exclusively. It even being stated that none in the camp receive visions because of the status of Moses and Aaron (previously). ~

As stated, god then speaks to Balaam that night, and instructs him to go with the messengers (of a stately variety) - but only to do what the Lord tells him to do. ~

Almost immediately following this in 22:22 - it is said that god was now angry that Balaam was going with them and sent an Angel of the Lord to block the road. An Angel which Balaams donkey saw himself and bolted off of the road.

Then further, the Angel blocked the way so the donkey just laid down - all three instances Balaam responded with beating his donkey. ~

At this last example, it is said that the Lord gave the donkey the ability to speak, with which it immediately asked about the three beatings. ~

Instead of being amazed that his donkey could suddenly talk - Balaam began a conversation with it in direct response to the posed question about beatings. ~

After a few exchanges in this conversation, Balaam again saw the Angel who inquired about the beatings and further stated his intention to kill Balaam for having stubbornly resisted his efforts to block the way - which of course Balaam concedes and offers to return home. ~

Again is a multiple aspect here in the Angel somehow superseding the previous command of the Lord to make the trip - and further in the suggestion of blocking his way to comply with the Lord. ~

The Angel then states that Balaam should continue his trip - but now he is only to say what the Angel wants him to say - then in 22:38, the Angel is referred to as God in stating that he (Balaam) could only say the words that God placed in his mouth. ~

Again, with the introduction of an angel making such statements, there is plausible cause to consider no less than at least a multiple aspect similar to that I have explored - and further, possible evidence that rebellion which was/is said to have transpired in heaven between God and Lucifer.

Both extremes most definitely having Angels. Both extremes (as represented in God and Devil), as is widely known - caught up in a power struggle which can be seen in various instances through out human history.


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